Hurry, someone knock me in the head and back to reality! Can it be true? Only 4 more runs left to graduation??
We (smhall) and myself went out for w8r2 last night and did it! As all of you know, we have good runs and bad runs. My run was one of my best as of this point. Still very difficult, but I tried to relax and keep my mind somewhere else, it seems to help me overcome the physical challenge. As a "cocky" soon to be graduate, I find myself frustrated in my time/distance etc. but reality tells me I am still building stamina and 8 very short weeks ago I couldn't run 1 minute let alone 28! Tracking last nights run: 2.13 mi, 13:07 pace or 3.43 km, 8:09 pace. Not sure if it is considered good or bad on a 5'2" body, but I know if I pushed myself any harder, I would not finish the run. So, as my 9 weeks approaches, I will be able to run 30 full minutes but will not be near a 5k distance. No major aches or pains other then the bottoms of my feet killed me during and after! I have new shoes I was fitted with, so I'm blaming it on the increase in distance? Thank you all for the continued AWESOME support, you guys rock!!! I keep telling Steve (smhall)aka my hubby, he needs to post here but I think he is afraid of you guys!