Do you have to be in the right frame of mind t... - Couch to 5K

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Do you have to be in the right frame of mind to run?

angelmummy profile image
14 Replies

Just lately I've had alot of personal stuff going on which is getting me down and have really had to make myself go out for a run, usually resulting in a rubbish run! Just wondered if others find you have to be in the right frame of mind to have a good one? Its weird as I've had a shocking year tbh and up until recently running kinda helped! Got 5k fun run to do in fortnight so really not a good time for this to start getting tougher! :(

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angelmummy profile image
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14 Replies
Elizadolots profile image

I've had some 'bad' runs, but even then I think I always feel better after a run than before it. Exercise is so good for your mind, I'd recommend you try to get out even if you don't feel like it. Easier said than done sometimes!

runningwild profile image

I agree with Elizadolots. I've never come back from a run thinking, I feel worse than before! Keeps me happy definitely and I get down if I can't go . Good luck, keep positive and there's always chocolate :P

gdeann profile image

MMMM...chocolate! maybe if I could get someone to dangle it in front of me as I run!! ;-) I agree with what has been posted. Even if feeling bad before, I feel better after. It's just getting out there and doing it.

Fraz73 profile image

For me, running is my little treat, my escape from everything and everyone that causes me stress in my everyday life. It might sound a bit like psychobabble, but this is the only healthy thing I actually do for me. I treasure that and just try to find my happy place when I'm out there. I'm not thinking about work or money or personal problems. I have way too much to think about to finish the run!! When I'm done and I've notched off another run I feel more positive about the day ahead and honestly feel as though I can handle it better. I dunno, it might help to think of running in a different way? Something that can help you cope?

Pelephant profile image
PelephantGraduate in reply to Fraz73

That is wonderful Fraz73 and exactly how I feel about the whole thing. Word for word. You said it much more eloquently than I ever could. Thank you, Fraz73!

Totally agree with Fraz73, running is my time and other thoughts just disappear when I'm running, it's just me and the open road ;-)

SarahP0003 profile image

I've had some bad runs lately as well and I'm really starting to see that this running malarkey is just as much a mental exercise as a physical one. I always feel better after though, even when I've not done as long or gone as far as I wanted. I look back at how unfit I was before C25K and think at least I'm doing something positive and this keeps me going. Stick with it and remember how far you have come, even on the bad days - at least you got out there!

angelmummy profile image

Thanks everyone, it has def been my saviour over recent months and always made me feel better, the escapism, me time, whatever - it boosted me, its just this last week has been especially tough and I've had a few bad runs in a row now... I guess its just making me doubt myself. Especially as my 5k fun run is looming, last minute nerves maybe!

Def makes me think the comment about it being just as much a mental exercise as physical is spot on, possibly even more so!! Going to go out Friday with a bit more PMA! xx

Oldgirl profile image
OldgirlGraduate in reply to angelmummy

angelmummy your run is a fun run and it will be for a good reason, so go out there and have fun. Try and forget you troubles for a short time and enjoy it and just keep saying to yourself you are doing some good by taking part in the fun run. Well done and I hope things improve for you, I'm sure they will. :)

Pelephant profile image

Angelmummy, so sorry to hear you are having a tough time. I agree with what everyone else says and would like to add that a couple of my best runs have been when I really haven't felt like going out at all. I encourage myself to go out by almost giving myself permission to be a bit rubbish, putting no pressure on myself and then I relax and really enjoy it. I was wondering if this would help you. Maybe if a couple of times you went out and tried to enjoy the run without worrying about the 5k. Whether you do 1k or 5k or 6k, it doesn't matter because it's still more than you were doing on the couch.

arablue profile image

Sorry to hear you're having a tough time right now. I often find that even when I really don't feel like it, if I run I either finish feeling great because I've done well, or still feeling better than before I went for the accomplishment of sticking with it even when I feel rubbish.

I think that the quiet and getting outside on my own helps after busy, noisy days at the school where I work. I've always loved being outside, so that's therapy in itself.Sometimes I might repeat a day rather than moving on to the next run. Just getting out there is achievement enough.

Hope things get better for you soon.

AliB1 profile image

I know it's tough when you are having bad runs (just look at some of my blogs) but that is probably all it is and you will get over it. You are doing so well so please don't let the odd bad one get you down as you will come through the other side - promise! Be went out and did it regardless of how the last one went...that's fab!

You'll rock the fun run..just remember the word FUN and go out and do your best on the day.

Keep posting to let us know how you are getting on. I have found that going back and reading some of my old blogs (when things were going right) has really helped. x

CaroleC profile image

I had a bad run (for me) on Sunday. Everyone was telling me it was a good run; but I guess it's exactly what you just said, frame of mind.

Just remember that, even if you're not looking forward to the run, and even though it might feel hard/tough when you're running (and if so, maybe ease off a little on the pace, be kind to yourself when you're feeling low), the one good thing you can bring back from your run is that it is DOING YOU GOOD! You'll have burnt several hundred calories, you will have increased your aerobic/cardiovascular fitness and strengthened your bones and joints. Also, if you do come back feeling a bit more chilled/destressed it's a double whammy.

We all have bad runs; we all have times when it's really tough out there, just remember you are not alone and can always come back here and VENT bigtime if you need to.


Deryn61 profile image

Aw sorry you are having a rough time.

My advice if at all possible is to make your running time sacrosanct, however busy/distracting things get!

My breakthrough came a few months ago, I had had a truly truly nightmare Friday at work, and was feeling more frustrated and fed up with things as I can ever remember feeling

My standard reaction to this used to be to buy wine chocs and other "treats" on the way home from work. This occasion I changed into my kit and went for the 5 mile run I had planned and all my worries just evaporated (with the sweat I assume lol!)

You will be fine on that 5k, its completely different running in an event but you know you will have more confidence doing it if you keep on keeping on with the training between now and then. You will make yourself proud! I know you will!

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