Tried out Stepping Stones today.: Well i... - Couch to 5K

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Tried out Stepping Stones today.

2 Replies

Well i graduated just over a month ago and have been running every other day, so i been planning to start a training plan for 10K, but wanted to get a holiday out of the way, before embarking on a new challenge.

After my holiday blog i thought I should get on and do something about it!

Fellow runner "notbad" mentoned a bridge to 10k programme by Samantha Murphy and i thought i'll download and try it out (not sure if i want to return to intervals, but will try it).

Woke this morning, looked outside at the rain and thought twice about going out for a run, by the time I'd decided to go i'd cut into the available time, as i needed to go to work today earlier than normal.

I realised I didn't have enough time for the first SM podcast (53mins), so thought i know i'll give Stepping Stones a go (40 mins).

As I run 5K regularly now around the 30 minutes mark, I thought it shouldn't be a problem, so off I set.

Well I managed it, but it felt harder than normal and I only achieved a normal kind of time of 5K 30 Mins and I can feel my calves more today - what a lovely feeling :-)

Having looked at mt Garmin data, it would appear that this run was at a more consistent pace, where as normally I am slower in the first and last K and faster in the middle. I also think my stride is a little shorter to keep up with the beat as I normal run to about 135 BPM if your interested in garmin stats, you will probably be able to identify when I had to tie my shoelace.

Anyway all in all, very enjoyable, I will be returning to this podcast in the future I am sure and may look at audiofuel as I liked the pace and beat.

Thursday will now be the start of my B210K plan, so a new journey begins :-o

2 Replies
Gridlet profile image

Great time Phil! Good on you for braving the rain!

swanscot profile image

When I did my first C25K+ podcast - in my case Stamina - I, too, found it harder than just running 5K at my own pace. Yet, like you, I ran 5k in my usual time - 32 mins for me.

Well done to you on getting a steady 'trace'. The trace for my pace is all over the place. I don't know if that is just me reacting to slight changes in the terrain and the hills or what.

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