Diary of a fat bloke running - Week 2 - Couch to 5K

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Diary of a fat bloke running - Week 2

Sedge profile image
9 Replies

Well well well, today after a long struggle with myself, I completed W2r3.... I was using as many excuses as possible to avoid tonight's run, slight niggles became major strains, the insurance broker in me identified wet grass as a potential health and safety issue, and i had even convinced myself that I had not fueled my body sufficiently...however, I overcame all my objections (my god we sound like a schizophrenic!) and i went.

Now I am a big bloke, I share the same BMI as a block of lard, however, the weight is now dropping off me, I only managed 2lb last week, but that was due to over indulging on a weekend away! When I started this journey, on 5th August I weighed in at 21st 6lb, as of last Tuesday I was down to 19st 13lb, the first time I have been sub 20st in a very very long time....I aim to be 18st by Christmas.... And it isn't far away....

Anyway, my C25K journey had to stall for around 17 days due to muscle pull in my ribs which meant any movement was agony, at the same time my knees decided to join in! So Saturday I managed to complete W2R2 and found it remarkably easy, and actually added an extra run on the end (that's wrong I know), and tonight's run was a bit tougher, but I feel strong enough to move onto week 3, but will allow my body a bit of extra time to heal due to the enormous weight it is carrying.

If anyone is reading this who is contemplating starting the programme, but is worried about how they will look, or what people will think as they see a red sweaty wheezing person head towards them through the mist, wind and rain, don't worry, in no time you will learn how amazing and durable your body is....get up and get out.

See you at the finish (or bar)

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Sedge profile image
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9 Replies
ceefin profile image

Well done you!! Roll on week 3 :)

Chewy profile image

Fantastic Sedge. From one fat bloke to another, well done, I know how hard it is. You're right it's absolutely amazing how durable our bodies are. After 5 weeks mine is still willing to take the punishment and carry on.

Don't give up, you really can do this.

mattaitch profile image

wow, I am impressed. I've gone from ~18 stone in April to 13 stone 8 pounds today and I know both what it takes and how it feels. At the moment I'm reacquainting myself with my ribs.

What else are you doing to shift the weight? I put my success down to myfitnesspal and a set of electronic kitchen scales.

I'm aiming for 12 stone for Christmas and most likely12 and a half for New Year ;-)

gdeann profile image

Sedge, I loved reading your blog! I bet you are not near the fat bloke you think you are. Congratulations for stepping out if your comfort zone and welcome to week 3!

pinkus profile image

Hi Sedge well all I can say is "Good on you Fella"...I am a newbie too, I am up to W2R2 tommorrow morning so hope I will go ok...I too have got some weight to shift approx 10kg but I have dropped 2kg's so far, gotta be happy with that. I am so impressed with your weight loss so far, you are an ispiration to me to keep at it, I try to remember to just take it a bit at a time as I am somewhat an impatient person but I just need to focus and keep reading all these wonderful inspirational blogs from people like you so keep up the good work your going great guns...

Sedge profile image

Thanks for the replies guys! Im a little achey today, but not as bad as I was on Sunday.

mattaitch I too am using the Myfitnesspal app, its absolutely brilliant and free, this has really helped me to focus, and to ensure that I am consuming the right foods.

vixiej profile image

Well done for sticking with it and for losing so much weight already. Loved the blog entry. I totally empathise on the excuses, I really had to fight with the nagging cynical voice on my shoulder that kept telling me not to bother as I wouldn't last the course anyway! The voice went away, not sure when, sometime around week 4 or 5 I think and I suddenly started to look forward to the runs.

Anniemurph profile image

That's a great blog - congratulations, keep going and keep blogging here to let us know how you are doing :)

handstand profile image

thanks for making me laugh this morning! And congrats on your progress!

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