I'm just concerned because i'm a beginner, just finished my first week, and i'm not sure if i'd be able to continue through my periods, because i regularly get menstural cramps and aches.
Hi Ladies,I just wanted to ask if any of you c... - Couch to 5K
Hi Ladies,I just wanted to ask if any of you continue to run through your periods? If yes how do you cope with that?

Hi, yes it meant to help with cramps etc and apparently you burn more fat! A few days before though I've noticed I tire easily and feel like I'm hauling a heavy load! But once it's arrived I'm fine, Hope this helps

Hi. I'm about to embark on w6 and have found that its slightly harder but makes you feel so much better. I usually get quite bad cramps and aches and pains leading up to it but not this time. Good luck x
Thanks ladies! i certainly dont want to stop now, just needed some reassurance

Even though you feel like eating your own body weight in chocolate and clutching a hot water bottle on the couch, I say get out there, it does help. Although I have painkillers and a bit of chocolate, no need to go mad

Runningwild, I like the way you think! I am starting week 7 and I found less discomfort with the one and only period I had. I'm a mature woman who is at that stage in life when I just never know if I'm having one or not.
Even though I never know...I find peace in knowing I can run enough calories off to medicate myself with some chocolate.

I'll second what everyone else says here. Keep running, give it a go. If you don't feel too good then take it very easy indeed. You never know, you might surprise yourself!

I think a good plan of action whenever you're not feeling 100%, whether it's your period or a sniffle or achy knees or whatever, is just to go out and see what you can do. Admittedly this works better in the second half of the programme when you don't need Laura to tell you what to do. I've gone out just for a 'fun run' twice now and probably because I wasn't pressurizing myself, I managed both times to finish my run.
Just listen to your body and do what you feel like, any run is good for you and Laura will always wait!

Exercise and stretches definitely help me. Even if the instinct is sometimes to curl up and fish for sympathy! That said do listen to your body as Mitts says and take if easy if you need to. Good luck!

I agree what all them said. The only thing I would add is to drink extra water just before and during, And the exercise definitely helps with the 'heavy' feeling. I'm sure that the hormone 'up and down' does affect energy levels and stamina and tiredness, but it's even more of a feeling of achievement to keep going through all those wimmin' things. And sod the chocolate - bring on the wine!
Pre-empt it by taking paracetomol or similar BEFORE it starts and during first day or so.
I run whatever!

I just go for it, ibuprofen is my drug of choice plus a little tiger balm, I do notice I don't run as fast and tire quicker but agree with Mitts philosophy of just seeing what I can do.

I tend to avoid day 1 as that can be a bit crampy, and although it is supposed to help with cramps, I find it makes it worse. And for some reason (TMI alert) I do find my bowels tend to end up wanting an empty as well in the middle of the run, which isn't exactly great timing.

I haven't ran for the past 9 weeks because of health issues, but have been running for the past year and a half & I have to say my past two periods I have suffered from terrible cramps & back pain compared to when I would have been running.
Could it be a coincidence? I guess maybe, but I think not!

Like others here, I've found that if anything, running helps menstrual cramps! Since I've been running I've not found periods anywhere near as tough. I do struggle if it's the week leading up to it because I feel rather tired and like I can't be bothered going out but I feel so much better when I have done so and during my actual period it feels great getting out. I think I'm probably full of the most energy during this time! Haha, it's probably because of how tired I feel the week before though.
Good luck!

I've had awful periods since number 3 son was born by c-section. But they are actually a little bit less awful now - not as heavy, and not as painful - maybe I'm getting to "that age" or maybe being fitter and running helps?