Completed week 6 but struggled on run3-and not... - Couch to 5K

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Completed week 6 but struggled on run3-and not much weight loss :-(

Marnsta profile image
12 Replies

So completed Week 6 run 3 yesterday and was a major struggle whereas last Sunday the week 5 20 minute runs wasn't too bad. Does the 25 minutes get easier in week 7?

And has anyone else found that they are not loosing much weight? I've been eating healthly (a couple of bad days this week but very good on the whole) but I've barely lost anything and I've gone from no excercise to 3 times a week!? Why arn't I loosing weight!??? :-(

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Marnsta profile image
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12 Replies
Legion profile image

Well done for completing week 6. :) I'm finding it a real struggle, and have decided to have an extra rest day or two. I'm also eating healthily and was disappointed at my weigh-in today to have lost next to nothing (less than half a pound). After a brilliant weight loss in my first two weeks of c25k, I have lost hardly anything since. When you know you are exercising and eating well, it is a bit disheartening. I can feel that I'm getting slimmer though, so I'm going to put it down to fat becoming muscle at this stage. ;)

Marnsta profile image

Week 6 is definatley the hardest yet-I was practically dragging myself along at by the last 5 minutes of the 25 minute run!

RE. the muscle- Yeah thats what I'm hoping too! But although my legs are firmer nothing else seems to be firming up much and I actually gained weight this week, although that may have something to do with a couple of meals out this week (oops) I'm hoping now its just running from now on-that it will start to drop off!

Moosele profile image

Well done on getting through week 6 (I'm half way and struggling). I've not lost any weight either :-/ I'm concentrating on how much fitter I am and the good I'm doing for my body by doing C25K. I'm keeping the faith that eventually the weight will drop off eventually.

I read somewhere that when you exercise lots of people subconsciously replace the calories they burn, I suspect this is what's happening to me so I've been keeping a food diary (as I go - leaving to the end of the day is dangerous) for the last week... it's really surprising the bits I forgot about eating - I clearly have a very short memory when it comes to food.

Don't get too down about the lack of weight loss, you are doing amazing things for your health and fitness regardless of what the scales say. Why not try using a tape measure instead; measure round your thighs, upper arm, waist, hips etc watch the inches drop rather than the pounds!

Good luck for week 7, I look forward to seeing how you get on (I'm terrified)

Marnsta profile image

thank you! I do keep a food diary because I have "MyFitnesspal" app on my phone, I have been doing that a year or so -its good because I did used to eat loads of bits and bobs that all added up to LOADS of calories! haha-I now have that in check but still not much weight loss-in fact I lost more weight, just watching my diet than I have now I've added excercise! :-/ but yes-I think I will start measuring instead of scales because Im getting very demoralised with it, even if I am fitter-i want to be Smaller!!! -(im terrified about week7 too! -more 25minute runs!!) :-)

Legion profile image

I use myfitnesspal too, it's a brilliant tool. I log EVERYTHING, down to the last cup of tea or water. ;) I think we've hit the point now that we are really asking a lot from our bodies (continuous runs of over 20 minutes) and that has got to mean building more muscle. More muscle means we will (eventually) burn more calories, so we just have to keep at it. If you're still feeling tired, why not take an extra day off before your next run? Give your body a little longer to recover and then see how it goes. That's what I'm doing this week.

Marnsta profile image

Yeah I love myfitnesspal! I didn't think of that-that muscle burns more calories-good point! oh thats alright then-I was thinking oh great, im gonna be the same size but just a bit firmer :-/

Soozz profile image

I have lost a dismal 2 lbs since starting C25K. Haven't noticed much difference in the inches either. BUT I know I am a whole lot fitter, sleeping better, more energy, although slightly obsessed with the whole running thing. Seem to have stopped the sugar cravings too.

I am petrified about running 25 minutes, the 20 min one was only just OK and the runs this week have been killers. I don't know how I did the last 60 seconds today, it felt as if I was in some time dilation and I would never finish, Ah well, we'll see..... I think I thought there'd be some magical transformation which required practically no effort from me - WRONG!!!! I am putting all my faith in Laura and the plan - and those ahead of us who say we can do it!!!!

Brompette profile image

I read this discussion recently - maybe it'll explain things? It put my mind more at rest anyway!

Brompette profile image
BrompetteGraduate in reply to Brompette

I'm still waiting for my "astonishing amounts of weight"(!) but at least it is beginning to drop off a bit now (week 9)

Marnsta profile image

ooh that is encouraging-I hope this happens!! thank you Brompette, and Soozz-yeah at the beginning I thought by week 9 I'd be magically transformed into a running tights and bra top wearing fitness loving skinny minnie oh the disappointment *sigh* but onwards and upwards I guess! :-)

Legion profile image

That is very good news, what a brilliant blog. :) I figured that my early weight loss was due to me going from couch potato to actually moving a bit, but maybe it was just the early stages of my 'diet' kicking in (on past diets I've always had a massive weight loss in the first week) and not the exercise after all. If what's actually happening is that I'm building muscle and pumping more blood around, then the inches I've lost seem even more impressive. Although I will still do my weekly weigh-ins (to keep my eating in check ;) ) I will be looking forward to my monthly measurements to see the real difference. :)

paterson profile image

Not lost any weight but have nearly dropped a dress size. On Week 3, also combine Couch to 5k with walking and yoga. Still eat too much but clothes fit much better

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