I am on week 6, I have managed to do all the runs with out stopping and at the right time, but the 20 mins I did on last run week 5, I managed but struggled and felt quite sick, but went out tonight and it is back to intervals again and I seemed to find it hard again and felt sick yet AGAIN, This is starting to annoy me, will I ever find it easy, or do i give up. Grrrrrrrrr !!!!!!!!
Getting annoyed now!!!!!: I am on week 6, I have... - Couch to 5K
Getting annoyed now!!!!!
I'm now on Week 9 Run 3 (not well so waiting till I feel better to do final run), but I went through the same doubts. I did wonder if it ever got to a point when I would actually enjoy it and yes it did finally come, give yourself a few more runs and I'm sure you will find it easier.
I found the 1st run of week 6 really hard, going back to intervals, in fact I personally have found week 6 the toughest so far. But persevere with it as it certainly helps to set you up for the longer runs. I did W8R1 this morning and kind of miss the intervals now!
Maybe slow down a touch more if you can? It may help with the breathing so you take more air in and feel less sick? I am a snail, but as long as I'm moving for the required time I'm happy with that. And if looking half dead as you do the warm up walk is a requirement, then I certainly fit the bill
Good luck & happy running
You're not alone - lots of people find week 6 really hard, after all you're probably still recovering from by far your longest run on the program so far. I certainly struggled with it. Slowing down will help - and it doesn't mean you're failing, it means you're learning to pace yourself so you can run for further and longer. You're doing fine, well done for persevering
I certainly found week 6 r1 extremely hard and I had thought it was going to be an easy one and felt really down after it. r2 that week was better and r3 is great as Laura tells you your a runner.
Hang on in there you have done very well so far, lots of us have had to repeat some of their runs. If you are still feeling sick after your runs try leaving a longer time gap before you run and have a good drink of water 1/2 hour before setting off. Good luck, you have done so well so far and I'm sure you will find the next runs do get easier, start slowly and build up to a steady speed but remember its not a race, you can do it at the pace/speed that best suits you.