Its the second run of week 7 and my first run in the afternoon due to stupid work getting in the way. Wow, was it hot. I was even redder and sweatier than normal which I didn't think was possible!! I made a bad choice in tee shirt (my top gun one), and the picture on the front chafed something cronic!! Was going to wait until I'd finished the plan to buy some actual running gear to ensure I didnt waste money on gear and then give up as I have on everything I've ever tried in the past to get fit. So off to sports direct to bag some bargains. No lycra though, maybe a headband
Afternoon running and sore nipples!! - Couch to 5K
Afternoon running and sore nipples!!

a headband instead of the t-shirt/ <<<grin>>>>

Nipple chafe is stings like a whatsit!! I got mine bleeding once...... :-0
A decent quality running top is definitely worth it. I always tape up these days, me and micropore are constant companions.
Its worth paying a bit more if you can afford it, Nike dri-fit or New Balance are my picks.
I think i recall somewhere in the recess of my mind that petroleum jelly helps, hope so or I may have given tmi away
Lidl had running tops for £5 last week in my local store, so maybe worth a visit. I got a very fetching green one...

Vaseline is supposed to help, I think.
You can get very reasonably priced running gear from Sports Direct, either in-store or on-line.

Ouch! The guys I work with wear a tight fitting running vest under their t-shirts to stop this.
Makes me smile remembering the quesiton one of them asked me last week before the race....if you don't wear a vest what do you wear??? Dur, as a girl I was like 'a bra'!!!! ....well that was funnier in reality and in my head!