Can't quite believe I've done it....
I have tried to get myself motivated and into running so many times and failed miserably. Then I stumbled across C25K... now 5 weeks in and I actually feel like this is something I could seriously get into! Yeah, me, who'd a thought it Nearly 40, and between 3 & 4 stone overweight depending on which slimming club you listen to!
I hadn't been thinking about 'it' too much this week, but the feeling of dread just washed over me when I got up this morning. It would've been too easy to turn back over and grab another hour in bed, but no, there was a little voice telling me to 'just try it'. So I got up and dressed thinking 'you can always walk'
The 5 minute walk warm up was awful. I was struggling to find my breathing rhythym and this continued for the first 5 minutes of the run (although its more of a shuffle in my case - but hey, I'm moving!)
By 10 minutes I had got into a steady trot. By the time Laura said 'you have done 15 minutes' I was really feeling it, but there was no way I was gonna stop there. With 2 minutes to go I dug deep chanting Greg's mantra (in my head as there was no spare breath) 'I'm a Kenyan on the inside'
So I did it. There is no-one more surprised than me right now!
And as I sit here typing this the heavans have opened - again.... looks like I'll need the Ark to get to work today.
Now I'm off to treat myself to a glass of water and a healthy snack
Happy running everyone