Since graduating, my pace seems to be getting slower! I'm still enjoying going out but I've been getting increasingly frustrated as I don't seem to be progressing so I've joined a gymn!
I've taken full advantage of the personal trainers, telling them specifically why I want to join the gymn, to increase my speed, build endurance run for longer and generally get fitter. I was tested for fitness and my resting heart rate is nearly at athelete level apparently! Good strength, poor flexibility and below average lung capacity.
The advice I was given is to do some leg strengthening excercises to build muscle to avoid injury, treadmill work on a steep incline, Pilates classes and a four week plan of three runs a week. One moderate, one short but fast and one long run making sure I get one day complete rest afterwards. He said to take my best 5k time and use it as a base and at the end of the month do a test run to see if I've improved. I was given lots of advice on nutrition too, three meals and three snacks, protein for recovery and loads of fruit and veg.
It's quite a science this running lark isn't it? Watch this space!