On week 8 now and run 1 was a disaster. My legs wouldn't move and i felt very dejected. People say it's the toxic ten but i'm finding it hard to prepare for this run again. Hopefully i'll be able to get past 10 minutes but finding it much harder than before
I don't want to dread it but i do!: On week... - Couch to 5K
I don't want to dread it but i do!

sometimes we all have a bad run for no reason whatsoever. or perhaps it was because of a late night/early morning? maybe what you ate before your run made a difference? it could be anything.
when I get this feeling I pop on some music from the 80s & get myself into that "feel good" zone where I forget about everything & just sing along to the music this works for me.
make sure you tell your running demons that you have already done the distance so another few minutes wont be that hard & get them off your shoulder before you head out the door
keep it slow & steady
you have come so far to get to week 8 ~ dont let yourself forget that
good luck X

I've been there on numerous occasions Some runs are just rubbish and we just have to learn from them. It can be anything from what you ate/drank the day before to the weather that affects your performance so don't sweat it too much, It happens to every one (even athletes have crap runs)
What helps me is to change my route or run with someone who can push me to keep going, usually the latter wins
keep up the good work

I hated each and every one of my week 8 runs then got through week 9 no bother- go figure.
As Laura tells us, it can be more of a mental than physical battle so don't let it get you down- you can do this. Bet you never thought in week 2 you'd ever manage 25 mins at a time, but you have. Keep it steady and go for it

I found it hard in week 8 but better in week 9 when I slowed down a little. Don't let a bad run put you off you've achieved so much.

I've been stuck at the start of week 9 when really I should have graduated by now. Had a crisis of confidence the other day so I went back to the gym and did W5R3 on the treadmill. I'm not saying for one second that I found it easy but it has restored my belief in myself and I am off out to do my first 30 min run tomorrow morning. Feeling nervous but I know I can do it
Has anyone got to the stage yet where they are enjoying running? That's what I started this for and I'm hoping it will happen with time.....
Good luck on the run tomorrow, I know you can do it.
That's the great thing about this programme its personal to you!
And in answer to your question YES! I really enjoy running (after the first 10 mins lol)!
I will admit that there have been two sessions recently that i haven't enjoyed but other than that I have enjoyed every run since about week 5!
And as for the runs I didn't enjoy - 1 was a 2 mile run two days after the first 4 mile run I did and I think I was dehydrated and underestimated how tired my legs would still be after running 4 miles.
The 2nd run I hated was only last Thurs (my 1st "tempo" run, which I blogged about).
But guess what! I still managed to complete them which proves I can push myself.

Keep at it you will get past it, one bad run doesnt mean the next one will be bad! And if it helps, my first 10 mins of a run are always the hardest, my legs and my lungs just don't want to know! Even my sis who runs about 30 miles a week, and runs a couple of marathons a year says she always struggles for the first 10 mins of her training runs!
I find the first thirty minutes the hardest... of a thirty minute run...
But seriously, you are right. I find it get progressively more unbearable for the first ten minutes and then it just kind of stays at the same point. I do notice general body fatigue starts to catch up on me by the thirty minutes though, lots of perspirations dripping from my face etc. I suspect though if i wanted to i could just carry on for a further ten minutes.
Hear hear... All the niggly little things come to the surface... Ow my heel feels bruised... Is that a twinge in my calf muscle... Or my personal favourite ooooh the ligaments in my shoulders hurt...
I usually get past that stage after about 3 or 4k. But when you have a really off run it can make you a bit down

I find its always the first 10 minutes too...i love that its called the toxic 10, will try and remember that when running tomorrow and the gremlin on my shoulder starts up with...i feel sick.....i feel hungry....you hate running...why are you doing this?....oooh breathing is all wrong...legs are heavy...can't do this..!
Now i can call him Toxic10 and tell him to b***er off!!!