Just one run away ... but I don't want it to end - Couch to 5K

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Just one run away ... but I don't want it to end

northernlass1965 profile image
10 Replies

Hi peeps, I did W9 R2 today, pounding the streets and unfortunately went up a massive hill early into my run, or should I say my "shuffle"? and felt really knackered only ten minutes in.

Gosh - talk about picking a tough route. I hadn't realised this hill went on for so long. Every time I ran around a new bend I thought, "I must be at the top now", but No! So I kept going, remembering the advice on here about slowing it right down. It worked and I made it through to the end without collapsing, lol.

The thing is, now I am facing my last run I'm sad about finishing Cto5k, if that makes sense? I'll feel bereft without the cheerful voice of Jo Wiley encouraging me, and bereft because it's like finishing a really good book - you're racing towards the end but when you get there it's sad because something good has come to an end.

So I'll have to set a new goal, I guess - maybe aiming to run 5k to start with, and go from there.

I'm also intrigued by trail running - is it just running on grass/mud / in the woods etc? Isn't that horrendous at this time of year? It's bad enough wading through mud in my hiking boots let alone trying to run through it! But it sounds a lovely idea .....

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northernlass1965 profile image
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10 Replies
McFitty profile image

Oh my gosh - another 'partay' in the offing. Just 30 minutes more and you'll be a graduate :) Your point about finishing a good book is exactly how I felt at the end of the programme and I wiffled about for a while wondering what to do but you have so many options. If you can't choose or think straight for a while (which is understandable after the excitement of graduating) just keep running your week 9 runs 3 x week until you get your head round the fact that you're a real, honest-to-goodness runner ;)

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Graduating is not the end, it's just the beginning😎There is so much still to do - getting up to 5k, parkrun, the c25k+ podcasts, intervals, distance, speed etc., etc! Your friends and supporters are still here on this forum to help. Many of us felt a bit lost after graduation, but it is worth persisting. Many sign up to a race so they have something to aim for.

Good luck for the next 🏃!

Von99 profile image

Hi, I'm just one run behind you and I have felt much the same as you. I tried one run without Laura and silly as it sounds I really missed her being there. I am very slow and nowhere near 5k, not quite hitting 4k actually! So my plan is to try to increase my distance and finally hit that magic 5k. I would really like to do a Parkrun so that's my aim. Congratulations, I hope you enjoy your hopefully hill free graduation run!

simonwilliamstutor profile image

Couldn't agree more with JaySeeSkinny. Graduating from C25K is only the beginning... there's 10k, HM and Marathons to aim for (if you want to). Definitely try a few parkruns (I hope there's one near you)

and get involved in the whole parkrun community - beating your PB at pr will become a very beneficial obsession!

As I see it, completing C25K is way of initiating a new, healthier lifestyle, one that involves running a few times a week as a form of exercise. Don't just graduate and stop - your efforts will be for nothing then. Of course, other forms of exercise are available and there's nothing stopping you mixing it up with a bit of cycling, hiking, swimming, weight training, etc etc etc.

I graduated in November 2015 and this last year has probably been the healthiest of my adult life (definitely since my early 20s anyway) and I am 38 now.

Oldfloss profile image

Embrace the hills! Many of us learn to love them :) Did I really just say that? Character building !!!

Yes, the end of the programme, a real watershed, but.. it goes on C25K+ podcasts, all sorts of new running adventures and in your own time... get to Graduation and it goes on, and on and on :)

The off road runs are amazing, not all mud and wetness....lovely Autumn days of sunshine, dry trails and crunchy leaves! Honestly, it is exciting and different, steady and slow, as ever, and yes, some mud...there is rain :) but it really can be fun... you learn to embrace it..like the hills, and the weather :) The runs are fun... many of us do this. I have had many adventures.. especially coming up to Graduation last year! Wet...mud... rain....wind...hail and snow and ice! Mostly done off the roads and across my fields and trails ...

Cannot wait for your Graduation post! Then to see where you decide to go from there:)

simonwilliamstutor profile image

Yep, plenty to running other than chasing PBs. I've not yet caught the trail bug - I'm more of a smooth pavement type of runner. I do love the crisp, cool air as the sun comes up on a winter's morning though.

CarolStr profile image

I know exactly what you mean, and I'm only on week 7 (sadly having to take a few days off due to heavy cold) so I've set myself two goals - first one to run 5k (at my current pace I'm on schedule to run 3.5k when I get to 30 mins so this could take a while :-( ) and when I've done that to join my local Parkrun. I'm also going to keep up with the community on here and follow the C25k+ podcasts and chat. I run off-road most of the time (I live in a village and main (only) road through here is not safe to run on) round my local nature reserve and love it; time to be on my own and appreciate nature, and hopefully the softer paths are better for my feet too. So make a post c25k plan - it seems there are a number of us feeling the same.

misswobble profile image

Well done on making it this far! What a monumental effort you had there, but you stuck with it and polished it off. You can usually save a run by slowing down or having a mini walk break to catch your breath.

C25k+ Stepping Stones podcasts follow on from C25k. Excellent set of podcasts, and if you run them regularly they will get you fitter and maybe speeding up a tad. Good introduction towards running towards 10k

Parkrun would be on the cards for you, if you've not already given it a go.

Trail running is fab! You don't have to go extreme. Just find a country park or local off-road path and go for it. Trail shoes would be a good Graduation treat. You have to concentrate more on where you are putting your feet, while checking ahead for low branches etc but it's better than negotiating traffic

World's your oyster once you graduate

northernlass1965 profile image

Wow, thanks so much everyone for your encouragement! I hope I've got the discipline to carry on running three times a week - that's my first goal. My second is to actually run 5k - as CarolStr said, I am slow so this could take a while! 😅 Once I've reached that I will do a park run, although the thought of running a PB scares me! Let alone aiming for 10k 😱

When people talk about the c25k podcasts do they mean those from W9 or are there new, post-graduation podcasts?

I do like the sound of trail running though, but that could be a goal much further down the line.

I might give stepping stones a go - a big thanks to everyone for the encouragement and tips! 🙏

Bluebirdrunner profile image

Don't worry Northernlass you will want to carry on running for 30 minutes or more regularly- just because you CAN.

Look on the Life after C25k pages on the NHS choices livewell c25k website.The c25k + stepping stones, speed and stamina runs are there. They are the audiofuel ones but are still Laura.

You may want to just do your own thing for a bit first -again because You CAN.!

Enjoy your graduation run. Your badge is within grasp...😊

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