this morning holding conversation consisted of several 'good morning' in response to 'good morning' and 'bugger off' to a good natured 'do you need a lift?' from a friend driving his van in a stalking kerb crawling style who thinks he's funny
It's a busy village to be running about in, I miss my quiet country lane lol
Runningitis has taken a firmer grip here, I now have a self made 9 week training chart (9 weeks to RfL) attached to the side of the fridge and some sticky stars to award myself I have a running and well being diary and I have a copy of Go Faster Food lol (addition to running reading lol) I am also starting cross training by going for a bike ride as part of the weeks routine... No idea where the non running me of 12 weeks ago has gone, clearly been abducted and replaced by an alien