So it’s run 3 and I’m scared again. R3 last week was 20 mins so I was dreading it but surprisingly it wasn’t so bad. I then thought that the first 2 runs this week would be easy but they weren’t so now I’m really worried, any reassurance would be much appreciated because I really don’t want to bottle it!
Wk6 r3: So it’s run 3 and I’m scared again. R... - Couch to 5K
Wk6 r3

Week 6 for me was about staying positive and believing I could do it (and yes, I still remember this as one of the tough weeks, even though I graduated several years ago now!) I think it's the return to run walk intervals. Go out steadily and trust in the program - you can do this! 👍🙂
Thanks, I have felt like this before and have been surprised. Just feeling a bit down because I’m trying to lose weight as well and whilst I have been keeping up the running, food has not been great so I am not reaping the benefits
Keep going - you are doing so well! Have a look at my post below for a really inspiring film call "I Run On" - so many benefits to this running thing! 🙂

Week 6 starts with the run I feared when I first saw the plan... it stood out because of the run before... I knew it was going to be difficult to not see it as an easy run... and sure enough, despite having identified it early on, it was anything but easy. Turns out I wasn’t alone, it’s a run that catches people out a lot. Congratulations on beating it.
Run 2 is similar... but having by then suffered in run 1 I knew that I needed to slow down into it and treat it with respect. Not sure what happened, it was probably the worst run for me since W1R1... all that got me through the last few minutes was thinking “get through this and there’s no more %#^*ing intervals”. Congratulations on beating that one too, it’s also not as easy as it appears.
So, here you are... 20 minutes is in your legs, and you know that because you ran it last week. You have another week’s running in your legs since you started that one... and you’ve proven you can add 5 minutes when you’ve been asked to. You’re ready for this run.
Relax before you run, remember how much your hard work and this plan have achieved already, tell yourself that you can do it, set off deliberately slowly, keep the pace down, ease into your happy pace, and if you feel the need drop back to that slower one you started at. Keep coaching yourself, when you think you can’t tell yourself, out loud if you need to, that you can!
Have a wonderful run... you can do it.

Run 2 is 2x10 minute runs with 3 minutes in the middle? You didn’t stop for the 3 minutes hands on knees getting your breath back you were moving all the time.
This time the 3 minutes you’ll be moving a little faster and tacking just 2 minutes on.
Good luck

I felt like this too, but kept on remembering that it's a cleverly-designed plan. At this stage I think it's about determination really. I completed the programme a week ago and was reluctant about all the non-walk runs right til the end. Now, 3 consolidation runs later I really look forward to them. Keep going and remember you can run as slowly as you like!

Week 6 is a curveball because of the intervals. You’ve got them under your belt, which has prepared you for run 3! 😀 You can not only do this but you can really enjoy it!! 👍 Run 3 is your prize at the end of a challenging week, go for it! 😁🏃♀️🐢🌻

Oops, just seen your comment that you did it! 🤣 Hope it was wonderful! I loved that run. 😊💗