5.2k !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I might be a wee bit excited lol
I'm in Swindon at my friend Daves for the weekend. I haven't run since last Sunday; Jen and I didn't get to run in Harrow on Wed as previously planned.
Dave has graduated today too so it's a double celebration; Dave has regularly put in 5k, and can do it in 30 mins, he already had a base level of fitness because of work but used the C25k to get back up to speed and out regularly.
We ran his route today and I decided I'd just go for the distance, I'm slower than Dave but bless him he stayed with me. Dave was listening to Laura and I was running without tunes (lost the ear piece after 5 mins and didn't want to stop and faff) I did have to ask Dave to stop telling me the time as I didn't want to know lol I kept an eye on my heart rate with the Garmin and knew when I'd passed my distance PB and was in unknown territory with 1k more to do.
It was tough in places as there are several major roads to cross with pedestrian crossings, Dave was the perfect gent and ran ahead to press the button for the green man to give me at least a chance of keeping pace while crossing roads, there were still comedy moments of me running in circles though and Dave jogging on the spot, I think there should be an new law that insists that drivers have to give way to runners
5.02k 40.45 mins and I'm really, really, really pleased
Have a good bank hol weekend everyone, enjoy your running if you have one to do