when you alternate from brisk walk to the running do they want you to run at full speed or at jogging speed
runnning or jogging: when you alternate from... - Couch to 5K
runnning or jogging

my full speed and jog seem to be the same (although I've been told I pull a face when I'm running my fastest!)
Try aim for a pace that feels natural and sustainable. There is no point trying to run fast and not completing the run. For the time being the aim is to get running the distance and work on the speed later
jogging speed rather than a full sprint i'm sure, as the weeks go on the runs will get longer and i don't think sprinting a five k is feasible unless you are an olympian athlete! you could just build your speed up or throw in some hills if you are finding that your jogging is not challenging you enough!

I've often wondered if I'm jogging or running when I "run". Is there a pace/speed at which you stop jogging and start officially running?
You should run at 'jogging' speed and definitely not at full sprint.

Doesn't Laura say at some point that it should be a speed at which you can talk comfortably ?

Interesting that at some point in the programme (and I can't remember when) she stops saying 'remember it's just a light jog' so I expect that's the point when most people start to run a bit faster automatically. In my case it's definitely all relative