going to miss my run :(: Well tomorrow is D Day... - Couch to 5K

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going to miss my run :(

mgnmum profile image
7 Replies

Well tomorrow is D Day, having my gallbladder out so will be out of action for a couple of weeks. Think I am really going to miss my 'me' time when I normally go running. It is only 40 minutes 3 times a week but has definitely helped my sanity the last 3 months. Living with 3 small children ( 9,6,3) and a husband with clinical depression and then add in the need to lose weight and working 2 days per week in a stressful job and life is not always fun. However my venture into getting fit has been a lifesaver and just to have those few minutes when I shut the door, leave hubby to the chaos/ putting to bed etc and take a deep breath and go for it, makes a real difference. The natural endorphins really make you energised for the next 24 hours. So my plan is to get walking next week while off on sick leave and the kids back to school, gentle at first and then hopefully will be able to run again by week 3. Thinking i will need to start midway through ( i graduated about 4 weeks ago) but may be able to ramp it up quicker having been running 12k a week for the last 4 weeks.

Anyone else had a significant break (>2 weeks) due to ill health and got any advice re getting back to it.

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mgnmum profile image
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7 Replies

All the very best for your op. Hope it goes smoothly.

My advice would just be like you said, brisk walks for the first little while and then a few light jogs to see how you feel.

Do remember resting up and recovering is very important though so dont try and push yourself too far too soon.

henrietta profile image

Well done on your achievements so far. As you say life's not always a Barrell of laughs but you are inspiring how you have grabbed it and done something about it.

Look at the positives- your fitness has prepared you well for the op.

How much does a gall bladder weigh? Could be a useful couple of pounds off. Lol.

Your mindset for recovery is already in place.

Don't worry too much about your lay off, as long as you don't push yourself so that your recovery has a set back you will be surprised how you will retain your fitness. Hopefully there will be some lovely weather coming soon for you to enjoy your walks. Maybe you can take hubby walkIng with you.

Hope all goes well tomorrow, be thinking of you

juicydee profile image

Yes, all the best for your op and hope it results in you feeling a lot better overall. I did have a break of 4 weeks when I got to week 5, due to a nasty chest infection so not at all the same situation as you, but I only needed to go back a couple of sessions to catch up. (The crazy thing is that I still have the same coughing fits I had when I was ill, but they don't affect my running.) Anyway I'm sure things will be different after a general anaesthetic and internal surgery, so as others have said, be gentle with yourself. I found that my body told me very clearly when it was ready to run again - another of the benefits of this great programme! I'm sure your enhanced fitness will give you a much quicker recovery though xxx

Minuette profile image

Not got any advice I'm afraid but I just wanted to wish you all the best for the op, just take it nice and easy in your recovery and I'm sure you'll be back running very soon :)

blueboots profile image

All the best for your op, sounds like you have a lot to deal with. I'm sure you will get advice from your doctor as well, do mention that you are a runner. I hope your recovery goes well and also I hope your husband's condition improves. Does he run?

mair99 profile image

Wow you sound like me! I had my gall bladder out 3 days ago and I'm missing running... 3 kids, stressful work and I rely on the endorphins as my natural 'feelgood'!

Sounds like you have a good plan ready for after. I am starting walking again tomorrow, each day to keep the muscles working then begin some light interval jogging mid to late next week. I really want to participate in a 5k fun run in 15 days and I think I can do it. I was running up to 8k each run until my op so the inactivity rakes some getting used to.

Good luck, everything will be fine.

PatButcher profile image

Good luck with the op, hope you'll soon be up, about and running again, my advice, just the same as the others, Take it slow and listen to your body :)

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