Hubby has a grin like a Cheshire cat. He's still unpicking the extent of our activities on C25k so will fill you in on the details later. Off to find some more chocolate ...
Happy Easter! Secret's out!: Hubby has a grin... - Couch to 5K
Happy Easter! Secret's out! it feels good to have come out!

Excellent!! Looking forward to hearing his thoughts....
By the way he's got a great blog, really enjoying reading it

great stuff, no more undressing in the front garden, life will seem tame after this!

Yea! Can't wait for the full story, he must be so proud of you.

This is brilliant! I've been reading all your blogs - it's so entertaining

grinning and plenty of proud and chuffed to bits hugs I hope when you've read the back history's Mr Ramblings you'll understand

noooooooooo I don't want it to be over yet! Its like the last episode of your favourite serial!
What am I going to look forward to with my cup of tea now?

Hurrah !!

Don;t you just love a happy ending. This has been a great story to follow.

Brilliant! Have loved your blog posts, and so pleased he's in the know now.

Can't wait for the complete lowdown!!! Happy Easter!!!
Thanks for all your comments. I couldn't have begun to do all this c25k stuff without you and feel fitter already. I'm still blogging (and running, I'm only at week 7), but relieved the secret's out!

Brilliant! I agree he must be very proud Well done you!