Yet again I drag my sorry ass out of bed at 5:30 to go and run for a bit. I completed W6R2 yesterday and quite honestly why do I do it to myself.
I opened my front door and it was peeing down, so put on my anorak and off I trot, I had the route planned out in my head, and I could visualise the OS map, where I had to go and what I had to do, about 5 minutes into the first run I take a wrong turn in an open field swishy swashy, swishy swashy, and find myself at the corner, with no way out, and theres a ditch with water in it and a barbed wire fence, what should I do. Well of course instead of doing the sensible thing of turning round, and following the field back until I get to a crossing point, I went for it. Luckily as it was raining and wet underfoot, it really didn't matter that my trailing leg unded in the ditch up to my ankle. I could enjoy the rest of the run with an alternating squelch squerch, squelch squerch, squelch squerch. Yes to all those who have children I am looking for a wood for a stumble trip moment.
So wet feet, and having fun, so much so I even started singing along to one of the songs, and playing air guitar wtf.
So in defence for getting lost, I'm hoping the attached photo gives an indication of what I was up against.
So I got home, opened the door, up the stairs, oh no I forgot the door, down the stairs close the door, back up the stairs, we're not going on a bear hunt again! (Well until Tuesday )
So tomorrow is week 6 run 3, and guess what, I'm going on a bear hunt, and taking yet another new and untested route!
25 minutes! I blow my noze in your jeneral direction! in fact you muzza waz a 'amster and your fazzer smelt of elderberries.