First ever interval session. I managed 5 fast 5 slow runs but couldn’t quite do the sixth! I guess I’ll never be built for speed but will persevere once a week. Felt harder than running 35 minutes but will stick with it.
I’m not built for speed!: First ever interval... - Couch to 5K
I’m not built for speed!

You did very well Phdgranny on those 5 fast, 5 slow runs, don't worry about the 6th, speed running isn't necessary for anyone unless they want to run 5K sub 25 minutes, the main thing is that you enjoy your running.
I don’t think I agree with all of this Al..,plenty of us have goals to get a bit faster that don’t stretch as far as a sub 25 minute 5k. Intervals really helped me take my personal best down and I wasn’t anywhere near sub-25 at the time.. Depending on your age and gender, going sub-25 means something very different.
Nobody needs to do speed work unless they want to, but it’s a misconception that it’s only for people who want to run sub-anything times.
I totally agree that the main thing for all of us is that we enjoy our running!
Like MissUnderstanding says, a sub 25 minute 5k is NOT something that's even an aspiration for many of us here. Personally I'd be amazed if I did sub 35 minutes. Doesn't stop me from thinking intervals are a good idea. There's more to running goals than speed Al😁
Fully agree with you regarding speed Yesletsgo, I for one didn't go for that at my recent Great Scottish Run, I enjoyed my run talking most of the time to the 80 minutes pacer, at the end I got a nice 🥉 medal and T Shirt 👚

That's really good, I found I had to slow down my fast intervals a bit to be able to do them all, I love intervals, usually end up laughing and feeling exhilarated 😁 even better are hill repeats 🤣

🍏 Let me you I enjoy my slow runs but was challenged last year into speed runs by Coach B & found them more enjoyable than I ever anticipated. It really helps with fitness & they are bearable in short spurts. They only ever have to be as fast as you feel comfortable running! I made a mistake initially in going far too fast! Have fun! 🤩

They can take a bit of getting used to... just enjoy yourself exploring them !

Well done for doing the five intervals
It might just be that the run you chose didn't really suit you so maybe try some of the other NRC interval runs and see if you feel better.
One of my favourites is Triple 7s - three 7 minute intervals with a couple of minutes recovery in between. I know other people hate this and find it impossible. Similarly there's a 30 second on/30 off one that I tried and it half killed me which other people like. We're all different so find your happy spot and then it should start to be fun, not excruciating
Good luck and keep at it!

that’s really well done, the last couple of intervals are always really hard if you’ve done them right. Possibly slightly fast and used your energy on the first batch. However I wouldn’t worry about sacking the last one off.

Well done you. I love the Steve Cram intervals. It's the only time I can go a bit faster for short bursts. They make me smile as well.

Yes the NRC app has different interval/speed/fartlek runs . I've tried quite a few of them and some are less exhausting than others. I'm going to use a 47 minute intervals coach at Park Run tomorrow which should see me through the 5k. Keep ringing the changes to add interest and you'll find you're enjoying them eventually! Sometimes I cover more distance during an intervals run than just running!

Sorry not 47 mins should read 28 mins so I'll probably have to repeat some for parkrun!! My head is a bit scrambled at the moment - too many things going on.
Don't worry about speed! Just look forward to that feeling of accomplishment and that glow afterwards! My aim is to do Parkrun 5K without walking. Almost got there before Covid, but have gone backwards slightly. Age! Actually I'm writing to myself as much as to you, Phdgranny!
Rock On!

Thanks everyone for all your advice and encouragement. At nearly 70 I am just delighted that I can just get out there and run. I am going to try and repeat the three progression runs three times and take it from there. Next up is the 40 minute endurance run which is probably much more my style! On my non running days Alan and I have been doing a one hour yomp up Montgo, a small mountain near where we are staying.

Well done!!
I think you'll gain confidence with intervals the more you do them. I remember my first time I had no idea what the difference was between a 5/10 and 6/10 and 7/10 effort. But as I continued, I was amazed to see my stats showed a clear and repeated difference between efforts.
You're doing great...and as always, keep us posted...
Is that the one in the couch to 5k app? You did it your way and that’s a great achievement!
Intervals take a bit of getting used to. The most important thing for that run is to try and keep a consistent pace across them. That means not going too fast at the start…,which is always the mistake I make! You’re just aiming to run a bit faster rather than going for an all out sprint. The speed runs on Nike Run Club are brilliant-and not the cheese-fest that the others can sometimes be! The “first speed run” is (perhaps unsurprisingly!) a great place to start. That means you don’t just have to repeat the C25k app one over and over!
The main thing is to enjoy these runs as a different sort of run and not to beat yourself up as you’re learning (or at all really!). Good luck!!