Hi I’m doing this couch to 5k and currently on my last week on week 5. I’m aiming for a level 5.4 bleep test to pass for the police fitness test . However I’m just so slow and I need some advice for speeding up ? I think I need a jogging buddy 🙇♂️
Improving running speed : Hi I’m doing this... - Couch to 5K
Improving running speed

Distance running will give you some speed, but if the test is soon you might want to add some sprint training.

To be honest the usual advice is to get to 30 minutes continuous running - building up endurance first - and only then think about speed. Do you actually need to be able to run 5k in 30 minutes exactly four weeks from now? When is the test, in other words, and what does it require of you?

The bleep test is tough. When is your test?
Your w5 r3 will be a good test of stamina which is important in the bleep. Speed you're going to have to work on but ideally you'll be able to complete the programme before ramping that up as by the end of week 9 you'll be confident enough to run for a solid 30 mins.
Check out the faqs too healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

I’m slow too, Claire! 🐌🐌 But I’ve been using MapMyRun since W7 when the longer runs started, and looking back over my stats I’ve been improving my speed week on week without even trying.
I’m currently 2 weeks post-grad and you certainly couldn’t call me a gazelle, but I’m building up my distance (2 x 4k and 1 x 5k runs per week) and that’s definitely helping. Trying to go fast consciously simply didn’t work for me. However, I have no time constraints, so that method might not work for you short term. You’re sure to get other suggestions though! 😀
Enjoy the programme - it’s amazing! 🏃♀️🏃♀️😀😀👏👏
My bleep test is in 4 weeks . I’ve got to reach a level 5.4 which apparently isn’t hard . Try telling my body that when I couldn’t even do week 1 to begin with I’m that unfit . It’s a slow jog for say 2 mins then a faster jog for 1.5 mins but I’m really struggling with the speed . I can run now but not fast enough .

I took the bleep test about 2 years ago and was not successful so I'm probably not the right one to give advice. I was a quite a bit overweight at the time so don't let that discourage you.
What you are doing now is really helpful as you will be able to cover the distance.
The real challenge of the test is to be able to run faster and faster over a short period of time. For me it felt as if I did not have time to warm up enough to build speed during the test as I would do in a normal run.
The advice given to me was to run fast between lamp posts and then walk or jog to recover. So perhaps you could try that between now and the test.
The only thing is to go gently at first because if you are a new runner you might pull something.
The other thing is to maybe practice the bleep test itself--there is one on youtube. Again go carefully. Try the beginning levels for 1 week and then add another level the next week.
Also walk on your rest days if you are not too sore or tired as it all helps to build your fitness.
The very best of luck to you doing it---really tell yourself that you can do it and think of us all here rooting for you.
So I tired to guess a 15m track today . I’ve been following the program but I think I need a tougher regime as I’m only 4 weeks away . I thought my 15m was good but turns out it was nearly 16/17 m and I did manage to get to 5.4 which is what was required .
I’ve decided to follow the program 3 times a week and then twice a week do some jog/sprint work and bleep tests.
Is five times a week too much ? Also do you all find jogging with someone else easier ? I have very unfit friends and no one wants to come out !