Wednesday 21 August. 1.50pm. Overcast with a little hazy sun. Very breezy. 20°C
I'm gradually working my level of activity up from nearly two months of no running.
I did a Week 3 run session on Monday. Today I decided I'd do a run from Week 4 of the programme.
The weather was as windy as it was on Monday but there was no threat of rain. The wind was warm too.
I wore exactly the same kit (washed and dried) as I had on Monday. I got out about the same time of the day.
I'd programmed the watch with the intervals (3 run, 1.5 walk, 5 run, 2.5 walk, 3 run, 1.5 walk, 5 run) and set it going.
The warm up walk got me past the last house by the roadside in the hamlet. The watch beeped and I started to jog. I held back with the pace but went a little faster than I'd hoped.
First walk break, and I step into the verge to a car go past. I notice a dragonfly zip by, far too quickly for me to snap a photo.
The beeping from the watch to signal the second run interval starting caught me by surprise. This one was the longer interval, and I was a little more careful with the pace. It took me further down the lane than I'd expected. When the walk interval started I took a few photos before starting the walk and the route back
Another three minute run which took me just past the caravan park that I'd almost reached on Monday's session. The grass verges either side of its entrance had been recently trimmed.
I saw a couple approaching with a pair of border collies towing them. As I got nearer the dogs were loosed and they were offered the back of a hand to sniff. I called out an "Afternoon / P'nawn da" to the couple.
Immediately I was past them the final (long) run interval came up. Again I tried to keep my pace moderate, and this time I tried to consciously engage my glute muscles.
And then it was over. I walk back.
Duration: 32'08" total (3+5+3+5 = 16 mins running)
Distance: 4.20 km (2.73 km running)
Interval paces: 5'42"/km, 5'58"/km, 5'50"/km, 5'51"/km
Definitely the right run to do at this point for me. Rest day again tomorrow.
My next planned run will be similar to the run that ends Week 5, but I'll be doing a distance (2 miles) instead of a time, and trying to keep my heart rate low. It should take me about 18-20 minutes. If that goes well, I have my eyes on a parkrun (at easy pace) on Saturday morning.