hi, I’m a 54yo female and I’ve just completed my first week of couch to 5k, im not a very fit person so I’ve been taking it really slow yet im really struggling with thigh pain and soreness. Does anyone have any advice please
thigh pain and soreness : hi, I’m a 54yo female... - Couch to 5K
thigh pain and soreness
Take it slow, don't injure yourself. Warm up before you go, leg stretches can stop injuries before they start. Thigh pain can be something else other than injury, depending on age and cardiovascular health.
If it persists maybe get it checked out.
🍏Well done on starting the program and getting through the first week! That’s awesome! However our golden rule is not to run with pain. Week 2 will wait while you get some advice from a physio! Rest ice elevate in the meantime! While you do that have a look at our faq about the program
In my experience, coming back to exercise after a break often results in aches and pains. It’s sometimes hard to know what’s just that and what’s best to get checked out. The golden rule is not to run through pain, and if that means taking extra rest days, or even going back to brisk walking until you can do that for thirty minutes comfortably without stopping, that will be worth it in the long run. Warming up well and cooling down after can help muscle soreness.
If it doesn’t calm down with rest, it is worth getting advice from someone qualified such as your GP or a physio. It’s worth being a little cautious here and none of us are better than asking a suitable real life person for help.
Stretching Jas already been mentioned but I can't stress enough the need for stretching AFTER a run.Try to stretch your thighs and hamstrings as much as you can after you're finished with your run.
Make sure you get some form of protein with a couple of hours of running, this will help with the repair of the muscles that were damaged due to your running.
Don't worry this is perfectly natural and how your body knows how to build strength.
Don't overthink it but make sure you stretch properly post run and that should help.
The process of building muscles, involves tearing them and repairing them, literally.Micro tears occur in the muscle exercises and the repair process builds them up stronger.
Dom's is often noticed after a session the next day "delayed onset, muscle soreness"
When I was seriously weight training, I would feel good after a session and the following day, might not be able to lift my arms above my shoulder without pain and soreness.
It can be a brutal process so go slowly, injuries just delay fitness.
This is exactly my experience too. The first session after a break is awful for a few days after! Then you get into it and it’s much better. I’ve had the same after all sorts of cardio classes and runs too, and the worst ever after Pilates all over my core. Laughing hurt for a week. It’s moving muscles in ways they’re not used to.