Well as a few of us I’m at week 4 and I’ve noticed a deterioration of my skin at the top of my leg where boxer trunks contact legs. It’s my off day tomorrow but this chaffing is quite painful and looks angry. I put it down to my legs contacting boxers as I’m running and as you perspire it makes matters worse. I didn’t notice this earlier on but as the lengths of run has increased this week it’s become evident. Has anyone any solution that can protect this whilst it heals I guess moisture and friction are causing this it must be common with people perhaps ? Any advice. I’ve tried washing and drying it , talc and also some petroleum jelly but I hope it isn’t going to slow my progress.
advice regarding chaffing and soreness on top ... - Couch to 5K
advice regarding chaffing and soreness on top of thigh
amazon.co.uk/Lanacane-50114... this is pretty fabulous to prevent chafing. You could apply bepantham or sudocrem (I’m dyslexic so don’t trust my spelling) it’s a barrier cream for babies after you shower post run while it’s still inflamed.
It is very common, so much so that special underwear is available! However first, 2in1 shorts can help prevent this, as can Vaseline on the area pre-run.
I also have a couple of pairs of “runderwear”, which although a bit pricey are brilliant.
Amazon currently have mens Under Armour underwear on sale. I'm sure these will completely solve your issue. Unfortunately it won't let me attach the link.
I’ve looked at these danish endurance ones , are they suitable Do you think?
I've not experienced this problem, but all of the above are sound ideas to investigate...
Let us know what works for you!!