Jo Wiley's playlist - highly recommend 👌. Today W1 R2 made the bold decision to listen to music while running. Hadn't wanted to before thinking (such are my levels of hyperchondria) that music would mean I wouldn't be able to listen to my body telling me if I was having a heart attack or stroke! Well what a revelation! 20 minutes in and Steve Cram asked "how you feeling" and I wanted to tell him sssh Steve I'm in the zone with the wonderful George Michael at Club Tropican 🏖 " Just did the most enjoyable warm down (which I normally hate) grooved along by the cracking B52s 🎵🎶🎼🏃♀️❤️
Music while running. Another "who knew..." mom... - Couch to 5K
Music while running. Another "who knew..." moment

Oh music is great when running, I found it passed the time nicely

I enjoy listening to music and last time I did C25k I started to listen to some podcasts too. It’s just great to get some proper ‘me’ time. Good luck and keep going ☺️

Enjoying the run... and that is perfect! Well done!

Jo Whiley was my go to voice on C25K so will definitely listen in 😆

For me, music and running go hand in hand. It beats listening to my wheezing chest and clomping feet It can be really motivational too and helps with longer runs. Just watch out crossing roads
Glad you are enjoying it!

Oh I’ll try that playlist. Is it the one called “Jo Wiley’s Shiny Happy People Music” on BBC Sounds?
It seems you can download it, so good for runners without good mobile reception.
Great pointer!