Just wondering what music people listen to whilst running... For my first two runs I’ve used a random “running playlist” on Apple Music, but I’m not a big fan of the dancey “workout” tracks. Are there any rock / alt-rock songs that are good for running?!
Running music for a rock fan?!: Just wondering... - Couch to 5K
Running music for a rock fan?!

I listen to My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, Sum 41, The Offspring etc. Rock thag I can sing along to and control my breathing

I'm pretty fond of ShineDown, Miles Kennedy, Slash, Muse, Pearl Jam, Theory of a deadman, Def leppard, Audioslave, Alterbridge to name a few. Some are good for pace, some not. Depends how fast you run. 😊

Thanks both, I think I’ll have to try a few different bands and see what works for my pace
Apple Music has a “rock workout” under its fitness playlists if you can’t face any more Calvin Harris. Not sure I’d call it all rock, but it’s on its way there and a few classic tracks pop up to amuse and delight. I found Nirvana a surprisingly good running partner, and a bit of RATM didn’t hurt. I have fairly eclectic music tastes when I’m running, but I’ve found rock the most enjoyable so far. Might need to move on to power ballads for week 5 though...
I listen to my playlist on my phone.

Try Spotify loads of good running playlists as a bit of a metal head I find there are plenty on thete

I have found placebo has a similar tempo to my running pace. I guess it depends on what bands you like.

I ran to Fall Out Boy American Beauty album last night. The whole album covered the whole session and was fast paced enough to get a good rhythm going.

Ok it's official, I am OLD!!!!!
Apart from Def Leppard I don't recognise a single group/band/artist mentioned so far.
Thanks Jundal for at least one reference I get.
I'm off to shuffle through my old cassette tapes!!!!😶😬
Ha, you might recognize a few from my comment then! Most of my stuff is still on vinyl from the first time round 😀

Thanks for all the suggestions!

I'd recommend the podcast C25K which comes with soundtrack. Not because I think the music is what you would choose to listen to if you were just listening to music, but that's not what it is for.
I go with AC/DC, nice rhythm 😊
I second spotify... Its not that cheap (£15 a month for a family) but they have rock workout mixes at different bpms too (depending on how hard you train-and needless to say im on a slow but steady bpm)

You should only listen to the stuff that you normally listen to, forget about what other guys suggest. Your favourite music is your playlist. If l had to listen to fast beat music I’d turn into a deranged animal, run straight for the high cliff and jump off head first. Same with any sweet pop tunes. I never, ever, run to the beat. Instead l simply listen to the music and run. Or don’t play any music at all. The freedom of running choices, unlike general society, is endlessly liberating.

Now that’s what I call rock ballads, wouldn’t be without it!

I've had a few on shuffle - the ones that have worked best for me have been Aerosmith, Bon Jovi, Bryan Adams, Def Leppard, Dan Reed Network, Dio, Rainbow ... oh and a bit of Scissor Sisters!