So I first did couch to 5 k 7 years ago got up to 10k doing great. I am now starting again for about the millionth time after stopping and starting for various reasons like rain, sun, holidays, pandemic and the like. Now 7 years older its sooo hard, managed the week 5 20 minute run ok but wow week 6 run 1 going back to running and walking killed me. Feel deflated again
At it AGAIN: So I first did couch to 5 k 7 years... - Couch to 5K

Welcome back , Starting again after a long break isn't easy !
You say you managed the week 5 20 minute run , did you re start at week 5 or week 1 ??
I started back at week one and have been fine all the way to end of week 5 then run 1 week 6 seemed so hard

Have faith runmelrun! Many of us have (and continue) to start over again. That's the important part - starting - and you're doing that so well done. You have the advantage of knowing this time that you CAN do it because you have before. The time it takes is irrelevant, you are investing in YOU and you'll feel great about that soon. I found the support on here really important when I was struggling so welcome back and know you are among folk who only want you to succeed!

You managed 20minutes. That’s brilliant.
Everyone always says that week6 can be tricky. It’s a process. Once you have done that week5 run3 you know that 30 minutes is so doable and the return of the walk/runs feels like a backward and hard step.
Dig deep and you will find you are through this hard patch…
Well done for doing it all again-I need to too. I just haven’t managed the focus and determination after putting myself off after shin splints, so I admire your application. Best wishes with your onward journey.