On this, the day of love, I thought I’d declare my special love for a twenty minute run! It’s the one I do most often. I’ll never leave it behind!
We all know that run on the c25k program. The one you might start a little apprehensively but end with the biggest smile of the whole programme. You might have done it recently. I did it exactly a year and a month ago today. It was epic then and it is still epic now! You’re in for a treat if it’s coming up for the first time.
A twenty minute run is my absolute favourite run to do. Long enough to feel like you’ve got into it. Not long enough to need loads of time and planning. You can do it before breakfast, or in a lunch break, or when you’ve just come in from work and it doesn’t get in the way of life too much. It’s not too intimidating if you’re a bit tired.
Yesterday, I had a very small window to run. Still a bit tired after the weekend’s long and hilly run. Perfect for a twenty minute run. Kit on. Out of the door before I had chance to talk myself out of it. Five minutes walking to the gate where most of my runs start. From couch to 5k, I know exactly where 5 minutes walk away from home gets me to! It’s a lovely day and the sun is shining. I start slowly and patiently, knowing that the first ten minutes always feels tougher than the rest of the run. There are sheep in the field next to me but no lambs yet (see photo). The lane has a gentle upward slope but I’m not pushing myself-just skipping along enjoying being out. I’ve gone for a chilled drum and bass mix and the thought crosses my mind that maybe it’s still a bit fast for a chilled run! Music makes such a difference. I’m enjoying it though and after eight minutes, I’m feeling good and have hit a groove. Pleasantly surprised that that’s a toxic eight instead of a toxic ten-I’ve settled more quickly than usual. I spot a dog walker in the distance. Not wanting to have the awkward experience of running toward him and the immediately turning round and running past him again on hitting halfway, I decide to turn early. I’ll have to navigate some kissing gates on the way back but that’s ok.
I’d planned for this to be a chilled out run. I’m aiming for the conversational pace of c25k, but more specifically than that, I’m aiming for my “don’t need to wash my hair after running” pace! The second half of the run passes a little more quickly than the first. There’s time to wave at my neighbours who are out for a walk and just enjoy the sensation of. being outdoors, doing something active and feeling good. Run done. Five minutes to walk home and have a good stretch while feeling very pleased with myself.
Wishing you all happy twenty minute runs and hope you’re all still running them a year later!