The 20 minute run was done yesterday. I have done the C25k three times all the way through. I started again at Week 3, because I had been doing my runs as a run/walk combo. Run when I wanted/walked when I wanted. I was getting the mileage done, but wanted to able to just run again. If I would stop taking months off at a time, I wouldn't need to keep restarting C25k. Anyway, although I have done the 20 minute run before, it still had me nervous. I mean to run for 20 straight minutes without a walk break? Just crazy! This coming from someone who has runan entire 5k before, and more than once, and the thought is still scary. Well, I did it. I wish I could say I was proud of myself, but I'm not! I was in pain and from the moment I started running and got to the 3rd minute my head was in a battle with my legs. My legs just hurt, I had a cramp in the side of my calf. My lungs felt great, but my legs hated me. I know, I should be proud.... I kept going for the entire 20 minutes when I had to wrestle my head the ENTIRE run. Some of the humorous conversations I had in those 20 minutes.... "think about how good that wine is going to taste later, when you bask in the glory of running 20 minutes straight".... "keep going for all those people you know who can't run due to cancer, etc"..... "stupid, you have already done 14 minutes, why stop now?".... "who stuck that hill there?".... "oh thank god, a downhill.... is that cheating?"..... "seriously, you have 5 minutes left, if you stop to walk now you will HATE yourself". So, there you have it, that was in my head for all of the 20 minutes. On the other side, I deserved to have my run be hard. I ate nothing but junk on Saturday. If it contained salt, I ate it. I am positive that contributed to my almost disastrous run. When I eat good nutritious food, it does make a world of difference when I get out there. I wish I could say the lesson is learned in the area of food, but I am pretty stubborn!
20 minute run done!: The 20 minute run was done... - Couch to 5K
20 minute run done!

Welcome back! Enjoy getting back to running.
Hi I enjoyed reading your post as it reminded me of all the similar conversations I had with myself during my 25 minute run today. It was a battle at times, but I did it. And so did you, so well done for keeping going!!

Well done you! It can be difficult to find a path through all the head chatter, and you did. I get to wrestle with very similar voices, too
Well done getting out there again!
Maybe it's time to start making a plan for how to keep in the habit once you finish the program... look for a running club, or register for an event that you'll need to train for perhaps?
An well done keeping those gremlins under control! You know that you can complete this program - you have before - so don't listen to their nonsense!
Happy running!
Thanks, everyone! The one thing that does keep me motivated is that for the last two years I have done a big memorial day 10k, the Bolder Boulder. Unfortunately, when it gets dreary (hence, this time of year, through about February) it takes some serious effort to stay focused. So, knowing this time of year starts to be my weakness (then again after the 10k) I can plan better. The 10k has always been me doing a run/walk, but this year, it would be nice to say I ran the entire thing. Goals, goals, goals! I am also signed up for a turkey trot, that I have done before, and its 4 miles. While I will just be finishing up this program, and I know how slow I am.... in 30 minutes I maybe cover 2 miles. I know it will be a challenge. But, I hope to run at least 30 minutes straight, then wing it from there. It happens on Thanksgiving day (I'm in the U.S.) so it always makes me feel a little better when I sit down to that big meal, to know I did a nice work out.