17⁰ here so as soon as I got out of the car I removed my long sleeves. Jeffed around this lake twice and ended up in quite a sweat. I'm feeling quite unfit but my daughter asked if I fancied doing another 10k this year so this has given me a goal and I think this is just what I needed. With the start of a New Year the usual thoughts of what to aim for have started to kick in. When the weather's like this how can you fail to be optimistic ? I might feel a little differently when I return to Blighty in ten days time 🤪
KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON...JEFFING!: 17⁰ here so... - Couch to 5K

Well that looks lovely and now you have a new plan!

Two plans! One to do something about my footwear as soon as I return (thanks for the Barefoot chat) and two to get in to training for my 10k. I like a plan (or two 😁).

Look at that sky! What a great start to the new year, nothing like a dose of sunshine to recharge the batteries, enjoy.
I am so envious!!! It was 5k of grey drizzle and waterlogged mud here this morning (which I did absolutely love!!!). Enjoy your time away!


What a beautiful place to run and what a good goal to have

Beautiful! Nice route! Yes, plans!! There are too many to choose from around this time of the year, and getting sparser as the year rolls out, in my experience! So well done! Will look out for your shoe wear decisions.
I’ve come to a decision - when the time comes - to simply get another pair of the Altras Lone Peaks I have, and use them both for running and hiking. So for now, I’ll be on the lookout for a pair of low weight gaiters in my shoe size.

This is going to be a hard one! I've decided to go to the running shop and see what they suggest. My orthotics guy says I need plenty of support but my toes are saying they need more room. Hopefully I can get sorted in a way which satisfies both parties 😜