CATCH-UP-CORNER...WEEK 2... Slip off your runn... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP-CORNER...WEEK 2... Slip off your running shoes and come on in!

Oldfloss profile image
46 Replies

Hello everyone.

Welcome to the corner again.

Slip off your shoes, grab a cushion and come and sit down. It is cosy in here and so good to talk and share. The weather may have taken a turn for the worse, but the welcome here is as warm as ever.

How is it all going ? Are we all managing to get out there for your planned runs, or are you having to ease back a tad?

I don't know about you, but I am finding that I am struggling to get the runs in at the moment! The weather turned colder... my sinuses did not like it and I have been a tad under par. Better now, but appointments, extra care days for small runner in training and long driving days have taken their toll. Never mind thinking about Winterval!

Reading some of your posts though, some folk are heading out in darkness and cold... and I am in awe!

But, thank goodness for Strength and Flex and the wonderful selection of exercises on there. CBDB is doing amazingly and is working very hard to keep us all going through the winter !

Besides my daily routine, I am trying to keep up with her Advent Resistance band challenge and relying on Yoga with Adriene and her December BREATHE plan.

It is really keeping me calm and able to stay on track. ( Not sure Mr OF would agree)!

So, whilst bobbing across to the S and F forum now and then, and I got to thinking. Uh oh... here she goes again!

We were chatting last week about staying warm, and there were some great ideas and lots of support for us all. But, what if the weather is really dire, or dangerous and we really would be a tad loopy to head out?

Well... turns out that there is a lot we are able to do , to keep ourselves warm and fit!

I'm just going to pop down a few things and hope I am not treading too much on the toes in S and F.

It might be more tempting, as the weather closes, in to use it as excuse to curl up with a book in the warmth of the house, but we have to try and keep moving. Keeps us in shape and helping keep some of the pesky bugs that are flowing around! will keep us happy!

Okay. ( LOTS of LINKS to these on the S and F Forum) Take a peek ).

Yoga :

That is an obvious one, it can be done anytime, any place, anywhere, ( reminds me of a TV advert from way back), and there is something to suit everyone... all of which can be tweaked to each of us!

Running but not running:

If you have stairs, climb 'em. Up and down, up and down. At home or at work!

Then there is always;

Mountain climbers, sometimes known as running planks.

Jumping Jacks


High Knees

Squats...great while you are cleaning your teeth!

Please, do check some ideas out on S and F.

Indoor walking... Holly Dolke... and some of my favourite ones with Leslie Sansone, ( they range in distance and pace and they are fun)!


Bodyweight exercises. Done easily, anywhere and very effective.

Housework: Eeek! A blitz on the bathroom or a whizz clean around the house can be a great workout. Dancing to the radio whilst you do it!

If it snows.. shovel it... another great workout ( If done properly and safely...)


If the family are around... hide and seek...0utside or inside...generally playing together and maybe doing some active YouTube workouts with them too! Loads of ideas for all ages !

Getting out there even if you cannot run... games outside, bracing family walks.. and if there is snow, even better, that will get the muscles warmed up!

There we go... a few ideas there and I just know you will have loads of ideas of your own too.

We would love to hear them and to find out how you are doing and what plans you might have in place if the weather really does get worse!

Pop in and get warm x

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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46 Replies
Mothmoss profile image

Hello Oldfloss - gonna grab a cushion by the fire if that's OK :)

I do Qigong every morning, Yoga was brilliant when I was pregnant, because all the stretchy ligament hormones made me extend into new dimensions - but without the pregnancy hormones, I got fed up with it and weirdly used to feel stiffer afterwards. Qigong feels like it warms up and loosens all my joints and I always feel happier when I've done it. Just like the running - I'm currently plodding along through the 25min runs in week 7 - feeling happier afterwards. Like you, I am in awe of those going out in the dark and cold. Full respect.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

Good morning! Cushion by the fire...just for you!

The first thing I had to do was look up what Qigong is. Now I know... and it looks amazing, on so many levels too. I do agree with you on some of the Yoga comments, ( not with reference to the pregnancy... ) . but I find some aspects feel more like hard work than they do helpful.

I had a good read, and the warming up and loosening of the joints that you mention, are explained in detail. I am going to find out some more about this. Thank you.

Now, plodding through the runs, sounds wonderful to me... Feeling happier after the run... even better and yes, those friends who get out in the cold and the dark are awesome... as are you :) In the colder weather here, the slow and steady, well prepared approach to the runs seems to be right for many of us.

I am just waiting for an ice free morning! So good to see you.... your cushion will be here !

LiisaM profile image

Great post making me smile as I read it—thanks for that! Smiling at my age is so important! I finally got out after skipping three days when I could have run, but life got in the way. I’m still trying to run and fasten my phone under my winter coat on my arm instead of on top of a light jacket…. But snuggling down with a good book sounds divine with these dark days of winter.

Mothmoss profile image
MothmossGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Skipping - that's a great idea to do when it's bad weather outside :) - what skipping rope do you use?

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

Ha-ha! That's a thought! 😁

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Not on the snow, my friend !

Mothmoss profile image
MothmossGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Ha ha ha - teaches me right for reading posts in a rush when I ought to be doing other things 😂. I really thought that you'd been skipping instead of running rather than skipping running. It has got me thinking though, I remember reading that skipping is a really good exercise - would have to hide away to practise though as think my co-ordination might need some serious work.....😗

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

I guessed that you had mis read it... but skipping could be fun... there is an advert on tv currently with some serious skipping moves !

Mothmoss profile image
MothmossGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Hmmmmmmm ........................ (goes onto internet to look up skipping ropes 🙃)

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

I used to skip rope as a kid. I tried to do it again in my 70's and found that I had lost the skill! In fact, in my 60's, I tried skipping a bit and found I had to re-teach myself to do it; the body did not cooperate!

Mothmoss profile image
MothmossGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Well, I've gone and done it and bought a red skipping rope (a bit more flashy than the rope ones we used to have at school) but a bargain at £2.99. I just needed one look at the crazily fit woman skipping to advertise it that it is going to take me ages to get the hang of it again (body uncooperation indeed!!) It'll be good to have something to do though when it is crazy weather outside 👍

Mothmoss profile image
MothmossGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

I'd better wait until the Chrismas tree is down though, otherwise there may be tears 😂!!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

Now that sounds like a plan...speaking of which...the next Catch Up post may need tweaking...for safety reasons..😉

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

I love it..go you...I am more reserved..ha ha.. I am looking at Qigong...maybe safer for me..and Mr OF xxx

Mothmoss profile image
MothmossGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

I used to do classes before Covid stopped them, but now I do it with Flowing Zen online - the bloke is very 'find your own way that suits your body' which works well for me and helps me be more flexible for the running 👍

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Sometimes the body has a mind of its own!!! X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

Morning... I totally agree. Curling up with a good book has its delights, although I am trying to get on top of my water colour cards, for Winterval right now!

Smiling is important.. for all of us and you do have a lot that might make those smiles a tad harder to find sometimes:) You do have some severe weather too... and often I do know that you do shovel the snow on a regular basis, before you can even get out of your property, never mind run!

A HUGE well done to you... running when you are able and smiling as you go xxx

Dendev75 profile image

Hi there OF, glad to hear you’re on the mend.

I’m feeling sorry for myself today, I’ve had a scratchy dry throat and cough for a couple of days, that’s gone and I’ve got a full blown head cold with blocked nose and painful sinuses. I’m meant to be running my first 10K at The Tatton Park Yuke Yomp on Sunday but I really don’t think I’ll be well enough. The good news is they do offer a virtual run so I could still do a 10k run and receive my medal (although it won’t be the same).

I feel I just want to stay in my fleece pjs and hibernate for a few days.

Take care and let’s hope this ultra cold snap moves on pretty soon x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

Oh gosh... I empathise... the blocked head feeling and the sinus! Horrible.

I do hope that you are going to feel better soon and you are doing the right things staying in, staying warm and maybe forgoing that Yomp. It sounds fun , but, if the weather stays as it is, you are going to make things worse.

The thing is, the weather will change and you will get out and to the run...not the same, but more enjoyable and you will be feeing like doing it!

Cuddle up in your PJs... and feel better soon x

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Yes it’s totally spread to my ears now too so I am definitely taking a rain check on my first race! Needs must. I’m having a pj day working from home day today. Thanks for the chat, stay cosy. X

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

No ! I ended up having an antibiotic ear spray the last bout of this that I had. It worked quickly thank goodness. This is why I head out on cold days looking like Burglar Bill, (or Betty) !

I also use Nivea to rub on and massage all around, etc, it seems to help me...

I hope it eases. x

MissUnderstanding profile image

That’s a great picture. I love cows…when they’re on the other side of a fence. I’m a bit wary of them when they’re in the same field! You’re going to need to pull up a cushion for me-it will become clear why!

It’s been a bit of a week of ups and downs-literally. The short runs have been working really well for me and I was surprised to accumulate a really decent mileage for me. Big up. Then it all came crashing down…literally when I tripped and smashed into the pavement halfway through a run. Luckily I was able to get home safely but it was a full on trip to A and E for x rays etc. My wrists and elbows have taken the brunt of it and are all sprained. No breaks, thankfully but I’m pretty battered and bruised all over! It’s going to be a bit of time on the IC while everything recovers. Currently, I couldn’t actually put on my running kit without help even if I wanted to so that’ll stop me doing anything silly like trying to run again too soon. Hopefully a short walk around the village will be ok in a few days as long as the ground isn’t icy or snowy.

Normally I love a bit of yoga/Pilates or hiit with lots of squats/lunges/mountain climbers etc but for now, I’m just going to be taking it easy. The strength and flex forum is brilliant and I’m sad to drop the resistance band advent challenge which has been great so far!

Stay warm and safe everyone!

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Oh no! Get well soon. That must have really hurt! 😱

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to MrsLydiaWickham

There are a fair few aches and pains this morning! Hopefully it won’t last too long. Thanks for the message ❤️

Mothmoss profile image
MothmossGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Hope you feel better soon - it's always such a shock tripping over!!!

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mothmoss

Thanks! It was a total shock-one minute I was having a lovely time and the next minute I was flat on my face on the floor. Then the realisation hit that I’d actually hurt myself and couldn’t drive home. Luckily I wasn’t alone but it has made me think about how I’d have managed if I was. Once I’m up and running again, there might be some more thought through plans for an emergency at the back of my mind. Once again, thanks for the good wishes ❤️

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

This is horribly upsetting news, You have had such a time of it lately and this is not what you needed.

Your comfy chair is right here for you, with lots of cushions.

Just OUCH! I felt that bang as you fell! Thank goodness you did not break anything, but how very sore and painful you must feel. I don't know how you managed to get home, you must have been very shaken up. Just the shock of it besides the injuries.

You just need to take your time now... let everything begin to heal and make sure you really, really do feel better before heading out again. if there is ANY snow or ice, do not even think of getting out there. Plenty to do indoors, when you are recovered.

I am so sorry, my friend. Sending you a very very gentle hug. xxx

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks so much for a lovely post and I am accepting very gentle hugs gladly. MrU came and picked me up. Some super lovely people from the running group I was trying out for the first time (!!!) waited with me and gave me a cup of tea which was really nice. Runners really are the friendliest bunch!

It has been a bit of a run of dodgy luck lately but I’m feeling quite positive that once I’m recovered there’s lots of great running ahead. For now I’m enjoying a bit of online kit shopping (mother in law doesn’t know what to buy me so I’m ordering and invoicing!) and once I can get to the library (or send a helper), there’s a book about how anyone can run a marathon I’m really looking forward to reading ready for collection! Plus there’s cake in the house. That will do nicely for now.

📖 ☕️ 🍰

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Glad that you were looked after and rescued.

You have plenty to keep you occupied...always useful to have time to sort out bargains for running kit, especially if they are gifts from somone else:) and that will help the recovery too... and cake? Well... just perfect :)

I made Nigella's Clementine Cake yesterday.. the house smell wonderful... half to eat and half to freeze...

Take care you x

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Oh no! What a shock you must have had, I’m glad there are no breaks or fractures but you must be in a lot of pain. Take it easy and rest up - taking advantage of getting cosy in this way too cold weather we’re having.

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Dendev75

There are certain movements that really hurt and unfortunately they’re all the useful ones! As long as I avoid doing anything like trying to tie shoelaces, or take the lid off the coffee tin, or cut a bagel (!!) then it’s ok. Hopefully that will settle fairly quickly. I’ve got a nice duvet and plenty of treats to keep me company on the sofa. It’s a bit frustrating but it could be worse! Thanks for the good wishes ❤️

Languid_Lil profile image
Languid_LilGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Oh no! I hate falling over - even when you don't really hurt yourself you feel like such a plonker and it sounds like you really really did hurt yourself. You have been so helpful MissUnderstanding I am really feeling for you and hoping that you Get Well Soon.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Languid_Lil

She is brilliant..and even when crocked..supporting us all! X

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

You’ll make me blush so deeply that I’ll match the scab on my chin!!!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding are doing a super job...poor chin x

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Languid_Lil

Thanks so much! I did feel like a right plonker! If I’ve got to be stuck on the injury couch, it’s nice to have such lovely posters to keep me company. Can’t wait to be back out again! ❤️

Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

Oh poor you Miss US! That must have been a horrible shock, I feel for you. I hope you recover soon. My OH fell over in the shower last week when he was home in Dublin visiting his mum. When he got back here he finally decided he’d have to go to A&E - turns out he has 2 fractures in his upper arm.

Anyway, stay safe if you go outside, very slippy. 😊

MissUnderstanding profile image
MissUnderstandingAdministratorGraduate in reply to Frenc

Thanks, and hope your OH has a speedy recovery too. The plan for today is mostly staying warm at home with a possible venture to a coffee shop since MrU is off and can drive and do my shoelaces for me!!! At least eating cake is still possible!!

Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate in reply to MissUnderstanding

That’s the spirit! Cake makes everything better 😁.

Annieapple profile image

Well I am plonked on the floor with the cushion hiding my face… oh dear the dreaded S & F words … 🤣 for me it’s easier to run in the wet, wind, cold dark, snow.. ANYTHING rather than a few minutes of S & F! Why? I know all about the benefits but just can’t bring myself to doing them.. it’s like a mental block.. well this is a confession & now it’s out the way.. I will sit on the cushion & enjoy the chit chat!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Annieapple

Hello... good to see you on the cushions, and thank you for sharing this. You are right , sometimes, no matter how good things are for us, no matter that we do know the can all seem too much . But if you are able to run, despite the weather, and you prefer to run, then that is right for YOU!

You are clearly a strong runner, in mind and body, and you run in your own way. I don't mind the rain and the cold , the wind and the hail when I am out in it... ice is a no! But, setting out in those conditions is probably as hard for me as the thought of S and F is for you!

It is so good to know that we are all different and that we can share our thoughts here xxx

Chinkoflight profile image

Hi Oldfloss, good to read the optimism given the challenging week. Forgive me if I pass on joining you on a cosy cushion, the log burner is on here and I don't fancy popping out into the cold to join you!🥶 I'm back to pre-op running and have decided to up my number of runs but making them shorter 3 Kms jollies up and down the lane. My third consecutive day yesterday was so icy in the morning, discretion had me back in the house after 100m, it was treacherous. By mid afternoon, the sun already low in the sky and I ventured out again. Third time lucky and it was safe enough to go. So up the hill I went, 1.5 k out, turn round by the metal fabricators working out of a farmer's barn and back down the hill.

I've been varying my pace and trying to speed up and I was feeling quite good and going along at a good pace for me. Hey up, I was joined by my shadow on my left. The sun was setting in the west and because this was the afternoon, I normally run this route early mornings, the sun was casting strong shadows from over my right shoulder. Now, my shadow was running a lot slower than me. Has anyone else ever experienced this odd phenomena?

Brushing teeth exercises - IannodaTruffe aka Tim recommended leg strengthening exercises too whilst teeth cleaning, he stood on one leg for 30 seconds at a time changing for the obligatory 2 minutes. Not easy!😁

I'm busy thinking about something to do a little different on #shortdayout marking the winter solstice. Hoping for good weather, perhaps a not-Parkrun in a different venue. Walked some of the Brixworth PR today to see how it was in a deep frost and it was good bar a couple of short stretches so that may be it. Photo attached.

Hope everything keeps picking up for all you runners and take care over the next few days.

Pitsford Country Park nr Brixworth.
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Chinkoflight

Hello.. yes I think staying warm is key. We can hear you :)

What glorious photographs and how good to know that you are getting out for those 3K runs and being sensible enough to sound the retreat when the ice is there! I have known the shadow phenomena ..totally weird!

I use my teeth cleaning time a lot for exercise.. squats yes and the leg raises, including ankle lift... full ankle exercise too, ( Courtesy of Wild Ginger Running). The timings on my electric toothbrush are ideal.

A Solstice run sounds fabulous... it is a really special time in our family... I am just hoping that the icy mornings ease off over the next few days... I need to get a run in on the 17th. my 7 year Runniversary!

Please do keep us posted x

Annieapple profile image

Chinkoflight these are the most beautiful photos .. tx for sharing with us 🤩

BarbieW profile image

hi floss and thanks for the cushion. Just a quick update on me. I am now half way through the chemo, but I have given up on any exercise for a little while. It will wait for me!


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BarbieW

Hello...and you are so welcome... your cushion is always here for you.

It's good to know that your treatment is ongoing and I am hoping, as are we all, that you are making progress.

Slow and steady my friend, the runs we all know, wait patiently until you are ready xx

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