Running and obesity - 10 months on from start... - Couch to 5K

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Running and obesity - 10 months on from starting C25K.

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
32 Replies

It took me 4 months to graduate. 6 months on, I have just done a timed walking mile and a timed running mile. I walked the mile in 18.5 mins and ran it in 15.5 mins. I was properly red faced, cream crackered at the end if it.

The brutal truth is, I have not addressed my obesity and it continues to hold me back. My BMI is 35. I know I am way stronger and fitter than I was, but 3 miles remains a distant goal for me. I generally cover about 2.2 miles when pootling about.

I wish I could sort myself out. Is there a formula out there for calculating how much faster I would be with dropping each half stone? Perhaps that would motivate me to drop the weight.

Happy running everyone. 🏃‍♀️

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MrsLydiaWickham profile image
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32 Replies
John_W profile image

Google is your friend :-)

Lots of information in these links:

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to John_W

😊 thank you John_W I will take a look 👀

John_W profile image
John_WGraduate in reply to MrsLydiaWickham

If you're wanting your running to improve, and being obese as you say, then losing weight will have a dramatically positive effect on how it feels and your pace (eventually)... Never mind all the other massively positive health benefits.

Frustratingly, the contribution to weight loss from exercise (for most of the population) is only 10-20% . The overwhelming contribution is from nutrition.

Easy to say, but start by looking at making small but sustainable changes. I think you already know what you need to do.

Good luck and keep posting here... You'll get lots of support.

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to John_W

The linked calculator is awesome! Even my much slimmer son enjoyed tinkering with it. 😆

IannodaTruffe profile image

You will have massively improved your cardiovascular health and statistically reduced your risk of so many life limiting conditions, so huge congratulations.

As you acknowledge, your weight is holding you back. I would never have considered putting on a rucksack containing a extra stone or two of weights, before going for a run. I have the greatest respect for those who do undertake C25k while really are working extra hard.

It is a fact that running, by itself, is only going to begin to help you lose significant weight once you start to running regularly for an hour or more. Weight loss can only be realistically addressed by diet.

This article may also help explain some reasons why you are not losing weight

You have achieved a lot already and you can do so much more.

Keep running, keep smiling.

MrsLydiaWickham profile image

Thank you IannodaTruffe for believing in me. I am guilty of most of the points in the linked article. Time to get real.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to MrsLydiaWickham

We are in control of our own destinies to a great (although as I know only too well) not total extent. If you can identify issues, you can create strategies to help you overcome or come to terms with them and your honesty is a vital first step. As with C25k, small achievable steps are the way forward.

Have a look at the HealthUnlocked Weight loss forum for ideas to start and create communication with others on this forum who have similar issues. That is what we are here for.

Self belief in our own abilities to change ourselves, is a powerful tool that we all need to keep close at hand.

Keep us posted, keep on running, keep on smiling.

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

I will indeed.

j-runs profile image

I used the Noom app. It really helped, with daily support articles to read, easy healthy calorie counting, and careful explanations of the whys and wherefores not only of what to eat, but how to think about it. I did 20-60 minutes brisk walking most days (running makes me too hungry), and worked hard on logging weight and logging food every day. It really worked for me. I’d lost 3 ½ stone by last November, 4 stone now, and am no longer obese. Am working to be ‘no longer overweight’ now, but taking my time. I saved 4-pint milk bottles and weighed them to visualise how much I had lost/to lose - and the thought of carrying all those on a run really brought it home! I've still to graduate c25k, but getting there, and it does feel a lot easier now I'm lighter. I hope you manage to crack it!

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to j-runs

Wow you have worked so hard and done so well. Absolutely fantastic to be out of the obese category and into the overweight section. Thank you so much for your support. I take my hat off to you. You are an inspiration. 👏

Aspasia profile image

I think you’re doing amazingly well to have come so far when you’re carrying extra weight. I bet you never thought you’d be running for a mile non-stop when you started, and now you are - that’s incredible. I find the runs hard and my bmi is 22, so my hat comes off to you! It doesn’t matter how fast or how far; the great thing is that you’re moving, and the fact that you’re asking questions about your weight shows that you’re already on a journey many people shy away from. Go for it, girlfriend, and don’t worry about how long it takes. You’re making progress every single day and that’s amazing.

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to Aspasia

No, not since my youth did I ever think I would run for 30 mins again in my life 😆 . Well done you too and thank you.

DiogoC profile image

My BMI is 35 too. I’ve been “active” for the past 5 years or so and my weight continues to shift up and down. I know why, it’s because I love chocolate and I can’t control myself.I’m on the final week of couch to 5 k and like you, I’d love to go faster. So I’m finally going to tackle my chocolate addiction and see if I can finally shed that weight.

Well done for all you’ve achieved so far!

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to DiogoC

Have a look at the article that I linked to above. It covers a range of issues that may be enlightening.

Well done for facing up to it.

MrsLydiaWickham profile image

Thank you . I feel like a massive fraud some days, off I go, pootling in my running gear, only to sabotage it all later with daft food choices and more excuses than you can shake a stick at 🙄. We can do this DiogoC .

Dendev75 profile image
Dendev75Graduate in reply to MrsLydiaWickham

We are all probably guilty of doing that and it’s only later on we think ‘why did I make that choice?’ We undo the good we’ve done in our runs. I try to drink a large glass of juice (I don’t like water) as soon I complete a run to try and stop me feeling as hungry because I’m probably thirsty more. Good luck, you’re doing great 👍🏻

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to Dendev75

thank you Dendev75 you are very kind.

Freecloud profile image

I had a bmi of 35.6 and weighed just over 20 stone November 2020 and I lost 5 stone in 6 months and currently weigh 14.5 stone.

I worked out 3 times a week in the gym for 4 years working with weights, but I just bulked up and looked more heavy rather than a weightlifter.

I decided to ditch the gym at the start of November and go out walking. I wore 2 jumpers a a heavy coat and walked 10km a day (5k at lunchtime and 5k in the evening) as fast as I possibly could and basically sweated the weight out. I also cut out all wheat based food swapping the cerials to porridge with water and gave up all breads. I weighed m myself every Sunday only after my morning walk with a smart weighing scale that plots my progress on an app.

I used to have to take a prescribed tablet every day for reflux and don't need it any more.

I only started running after I lost the weight and started c25k at the start of May last year.

It's probably different for everyone but this was my way of tackling it. I don't know I I would have lost the weight if I had to run. I'm running now because it helps me maintain my weight and it's great for my headspace.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Freecloud

Diet is really the only way, alongside regular exercise.

MrsLydiaWickham profile image

Your weight loss is amazing and you worked so hard for it too - 10k fast walk per day, and majorly adjusting your diet. You are incredible! Thank you for encouraging me.

Freecloud profile image

Thanks very much. The lock down and working from home helped me a lot. Mostly because the gym closed.

The most surprising and pleasing reactions were when we went back to work the following May as no one has saw me there for 5 months and they were all shocked.

Your mindset is the most important element. You just have to be determined, disciplined and keep at it.

It's hard work but it pays off bigtime. It is also important not to weigh yourself too often.

I looked at all those weight loss thing's but they cost a fair bit, and I'm tight 😂

Oldfloss profile image

You have had some sound advice in the as you say it is your time.A past post in Catch-Up Corner that I wrote a while ago was based on the three As...

Acknowledged, Accept, Adapt.

You have with admirable honesty, acknowledged that your weight is holding you back and your own weakness. You have accepted those are facts, and you are, simply by posting here beginning to adapt.

You have begun, you are on your way, as IannodaTruffe has suggested, so, so wisely, just as you began C25K... the first steps have been taken.

Slow and steady is the way. There are no magic answers, no magic diet plans of products, only you and your obvious wish to change.

You have, with your running, already achieved so much and I am, as is he, in awe of that.

There is a hackneyed, but simple phrase, that folk hear often.

Eat less, move more... I always feel, that it should be eat well. move more... but either way, that is the bottom line, and just as with C25K, no one ( with any real thought) , would say it is going to be easy, but it IS possible, and you will get there.

Small, steps are the way... visit the forum suggested. post there, post here and know we are here to support you every step of the way.

So, so many folk on the forum here, are on there also and find the combination of support, incredible.

So... here you are and we will be watching for your posts , all you need to do now?

Stay strong, stay determined and be confident...

" Believe you can and you are halfway there".

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

thank you so much Oldfloss I truly appreciate your reply.

BlackCountryLee profile image

You may have already done it but try Weight Watchers. Their latest plan is really easy to follow. I joined in January at nearly 22 stone and I’ve lost a little over 5 stone so far in 8 months. Started the C25k when I had lost the first 4 stone. Good luck whichever path you take

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to BlackCountryLee

you are amazing!!

BlackCountryLee profile image
BlackCountryLeeGraduate in reply to MrsLydiaWickham

So are you Lydia! Always believe that

Kirst13 profile image

Coincidentally, this came up on my YouTube notifications today.

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to Kirst13

brilliant video thank you

Swimming24 profile image

Firstly well done for what you have achieved so far and every little bit that you do is going to change you body composition. After all muscle weighs heavier than fat and by continuing to exercise and measuring yourself will help to motivate you to keep losing those inches. We all started this for our own personal reasons and keeping that goal in mind helps to continue and hopefully achieve our goals. I started this to prevent going on medication and when I am running and feel that I want to give up I do visualise the alternative and that is my driving force. Having a goal and being true to your diet intake is my mantra. Keep going you will get there 🏃🏼‍♂️

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to Swimming24

thanks so much

taichi1 profile image

Hey Mrs Wickham...loving the P&P reference. I was amazed when I looked into losing weight against improving your run times. It is about 2 seconds per pound per mile or 2.7 secs per kilo per km. You were talking in miles so let's work it in miles. So that means on a 2 mile run if you lose 1/2 stone then you would be 14 seconds quicker per 1/2 stone per mile so 28 seconds quicker over 2 miles and 42 seconds quicker over 3 miles. Therefore every stone lost over a 3 mile run would amount to 28 secs per stone per mile so after losing a stone you would run 3 miles 1 min 24 secs faster. That is just losing the weight so I'm not including how much fitter with each run you would be getting anyway. I lost 10kg from 85 to 75 and the calculation on run time worked out pretty much right with some natural improvement in run time with the increase in fitness. So plenty to aim for !!! You got this !!!

MrsLydiaWickham profile image
MrsLydiaWickhamGraduate in reply to taichi1

Fantastic maths thank you!

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