I went alone again today and started near the back. Over 260 people took part this morning. I noticed a man who looked to be in his 70’s ahead of me, he was wearing a ‘250’ park run t-shirt - wow! I thought his pace looked similar to mine (maybe slightly faster) so I kept him in my sights and used him to keep me going. I then fell in pace with him and after around 3.5k he said ‘I’m only keeping going to keep pace with you’, I told him that I was doing exactly the same. We got to about 4.5k and I felt myself flagging - he was so supportive and kept me going to the end. At the end he let me go first and later on I found my new pb was so much faster than normal (usually 34 mins - did this in 31:46). So happy but I don’t think I’d do that pace again for a while, it was a bit too fast for me and I struggled at the end. Still extremely happy and proud though. What a great inspiration this man is ☺️
Parkrun no3: I went alone again today and... - Couch to 5K
Parkrun no3

Well done, you seem to be really enjoying Parkrun I still haven't managed to get to one yet, one day. ☺️
I really look forward to it Mouse, have you got one close to where you live? I’d totally recommend it even if you need to walk part of it (loads do). It’s a really lovely atmosphere 😊
There's one about 10 minutes from me by car so I'm planning to get there one day. The only problem is I would need to get my old Mum out of bed washed dressed and fed before I go and make sure someone's around to keep an eye on her while I'm out so getting there for 9 is a bit of a rush. I'm trying to get things organised so I can do it once a month. I've promised myself I'll get there before the end of the Summer.☺️

Well done to you Dendev75 on your PB time of 31.46, all my best times for running have been at parkruns, my average being around 32.30, PB 30:09 but when running alone around your time of 34 minutes, like you I think when running with others you tend to be faster, nice that you used that man as your pacemaker although at the end of the run you were a bit more tired than normal, congratulations.

Well done! I had that running alongside a colleague in a 10km event last year. He was trying to keep up with me and I was trying to keep up with him. We only realised what was happening after about 5km.

Sounds great and didn’t you go fast?

Just super.... well done you. It is good to find someone who keeps you going... and gives you that little extra support when it is needed!Park Run is not for everyone, but it is such a friendly place to be !
Good to know you were supporting someone else too
There you go, brilliant. You might be surprised about PB's. I ran faster than I expected but as I've continued the slow and slower training I'm keeping to 'my parkrun time' but each run is getting much easier.

Well done Dendev75 , it’s so nice when you get chatting to people…and for him to keep you going, that’s amazing!

So cool! Thanks for sharing your experience of having a pacer! And congrats on making it on the faster pace...
As I am not in the U.K., can someone explain to me what a park run is? I've gathered that these are officially organized 5K runs - is that correct?
Thank you 😊
Park runs are free events where runners can run/walk/jog/pushprams/run with dogs etc at different locations throughout the UK and rely on the lovely and supportive volunteers (Marshals) who guide, cheer and organise it all. Everyone just goes at their own pace (except me this week - I followed a lovely gent who kept me going ☺️).
What country are you living in?
This explains parkrun healthunlocked.com/couchto5.... and parkruns are international, so there may well be one near you.
There's one in Cologne! 🥳 parkrun.com.de/aachenerweiher/
In my view, parkrun is people power at its best and is all inclusive and welcoming and well worth having a go.
Tell us how you get on if you decide to have a go.
Yes, I'll report! Won't be until 3 September the earliest...
And I did have to laugh seeing the map: In the UK, they're all over... In Germany, well, you might be lucky... (Now, I am sure we can philosophize why that might be 😉... )

When you are chasing a PB you have permission to push as hard as you can!!!!!
Keep most of your training at an easy conversational pace, throw in the occasional fartlek or intervals session and then maybe once a month you will be ready to have another crack at that shiny PB.

That’s what parkrun is all about.