I’m two thirds into week 4. One one run to complete week 4. I really had to push myself today. When my lovely coach Sarah Mulligan told me I was half way through my second run my head shouted. IS THAT ALL???!!! I really was ready to stop but then I got a second wind and continued. I finished all runs. Breathing is fine but my right calf aches. I always do dynamic stretches before running and static after . Hopefully it will settle down. I guess that’s what they call feeling the burn! 🔥 I enjoy the feeling of achievement and exhilaration when I complete my runs so I’m not quitting . Happy Wednesday all. Happy hump day.
Week 4 run 2 in the bag. Over the hump! - Couch to 5K
Week 4 run 2 in the bag. Over the hump!

Well done for keeping going. It’s often my brain that I have to convince more than my body. Hope the calf settles down.

Hey, that’s good to read, your happiness flows with the words

Great job there… it got tough, the coach said half way when you wanted it to be over, you faced down the “you can quit now” gremlin that we all have in us and you coached yourself through to the end.
Sounds like you’re doing the right things with the calf… you could try a foam roller too, especially if you like a little pain 🤣
Enjoy week 4… hump day of whole plan is coming soon!
Never heard of a foam roller. The only foam roller I know is a hair roller. Ill investigate on Amazon. Please share any recommended brands. If it’s allowed. Thanks for your advice and support with calf pain. It’s gone once I stop running.
I buy virtually all my fitness clothing and equipment from Decathlon. I can say this as I don’t work for them, own them or benefit from telling you about them. I used to be a Nike fanboy… but when their running trousers were £140 and Decathlon’s were £13 I had a good look, couldn’t tell the difference (apart from the branding) I bought 4 pairs!
Used properly a foam roller will give you something similar to a deep tissue massage… so it hurts a little but the relief from it is worth it!
Other brands are available of course… but there’s a good range of foam rollers and other self pain products here decathlon.co.uk/browse/c0-n...
The really important thing is to use them correctly… you’ll find many videos on YouTube (which, sadly, I also don’t own)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience. I find the support from this community invaluable. Ill definitely check out Decathlon.
Agreed about Decathlon. Their clothing line is as good or better as any of the big name brands. In the last year, I've almost only ever worn stuff from there. I have two kit combinations: winter and summer. Both have had about six months of use and look "as new".
The exception is an Under Armour clingy long sleeved "warm" top that's part of my winter kit, which I got as an Amazon special, and I wear next to the skin with a fluorescent yellow Decathlon top over it.

Well done on completing the run but more so for winning the mental battle on the half way reminder. On several runs that half way call has almost thrown me off but say to myself, I was doing ok until I heard that so ignore and just keep going.

I just gave this link to someone else with aching calves
Well done you... do take it slow and steady and try to relax into your runs as you progress.
I remember that when I did C25K when I began 6 years with Laura coaching. She used to say, " Finish in style", and I always yelled... in my head of course... I'll be lucky to just FINISH".
If you do feel it is a bit of a struggle, then just ease back, look around and relax.