Normally I run at the end of the day, but decided to do my final run first thing in the morning before work. It was super warm at 18deg, did my warm up walk and decided to push myself a little bit for the last run. Was so happy to see I could again run for 30 mins and covered 5.14km.
I cant stop smiling thinking just 8.5 weeks back I could not run for 30 seconds without huffing and puffing and I my last 3runs were 30mins! For someone who does not particularly like running, I am surprised I dont dislike it either anymore.
Thank you to all the forum members who commented to encourage & give advise right from w1r1 on 26 12/21 & helped me to complete the 9weeks.
Next goal is to run 5k regularly and gradually increase the distance. Would much appreciate any advise on that