Get the feeling that I should do more than sit with the dog on the couch? I'm at the w2r1 stage.
What do you do in between run days?: Get the... - Couch to 5K
What do you do in between run days?

I usually swim on the inbetween weekdays but do nothing exercisewise on my weekend rest days
i am considering diong some form of upper body and abs workout on day i run, with only my back excercises on rest days, but come the lighter evenings no doubt my bike will be dusted off.
I do some weight training.
I have a set of basic dumb bells for my upper body but there are tonnes of exercises where you don't need any equipment at all.
Lunges, squats and core exercises like crunches are great for developing those muscles you need for running on the days you don't actually run!
I aim to do some lighter cardio on the in-between days, like walking. I also count cutting the grass (40 mins) and anything over an hour's gardening as cardio.
I do 30 - 40 mins strength training every evening while I watch TV, followed by stretches. I do core (abs) and upper body on the days that I run to give my legs a break.
I have one day off at the weekend in theory but since I started running I usually want to do something active so I keep it light.

Crikey, how lazy am I?! I don't do much at all on my in between days, just a bit of light housework, maybe some extreme ironing and, of course I do the school run!!! xx