Laura says we should have a rest day between each run. I understand that the body needs to recover but I'm feeling enthusiastic and want to be out there doing something even if not running. What activities does anybody else do on in between days or do you have a total rest?
In between days: Laura says we should have a... - Couch to 5K
In between days

Many of us do some sort of cross-training on the 'rest-from-running' days. In the early stages of the programme, I mainly walked and hiked (hill walking), but now that I've built up a a bit more stamina I'm mountain biking twice a week as well as the walking and hiking. Plus I do yoga - long sessions on rest days and shorter sessions after running.

I do a mixture, aqua gym, swim, walk, zumba, pilates and Tai Chi. More recently I've been doing HIIT swimming and really enjoying the challenge. About twice a week I try and do 20 minutes weighted hula hoop, supposed to be good for defining the waist, I lost mine 20 odd years ago but I've found it again
I currently spend my "off" days, doing nothing, but am trying to coerce a colleague into coming to Yoga with me a couple of times a week, as I'm really stiffening up (and I'm only on week three!).

Thanks - thinking of swimming or walking with a bit of yoga thrown in for good measure. Need to find a local swimming baths that doesn't have mostly children's lessons on during the evening though!
Hi, I'm not so adventurous...I am about to start Wk 3 today, on my rest days I walk my dogs! I have 3 so have started to take them out individually, more exercise for me. Oh and housework...
I am actually thinking of joining my local Gym too, my hubby and sons are members. Think it would be beneficial to do some weights and also have the option of using a treadmill as a standby esp as winter is on its way.
Have you tried Pilates, I used to really enjoy that but my local group closed...
Good luck and enjoy...