Feeling like a massive fail ! Week 8 run 1 - Couch to 5K

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Feeling like a massive fail ! Week 8 run 1

Mortain123 profile image
14 Replies

I'm on wk8 run1...so first 28 minutes .

From the very beginning I I completed every run however tired I felt..

Today I was only able to run for 15 minutes...I wasn't sure whether to run at all ...I did a kettle bell class yesterday and as today progressed my legs became sore and sorer but checked on goggle (lol) and was assured the run would be good.

Feeling like a massive fail...any advice around this appreciated...should I have powered on...skipped today's running?...

Thanks in advance

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Mortain123 profile image
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14 Replies
MaCherie112 profile image

You showed up for yourself today which makes you a winner in my book! I’m a kettlebell lover too but I’m wondering if you were suitably rested and recovered before this run after the kettlebell workout the day before?

Be kind to yourself and congratulate yourself on all you have taken on and all you have achieved thus far!!! It’s no easy feat especially as with each week the length and intensity of the runs increases.

You are asking more of your body than in previous weeks, and there will always be good runs and bad runs but at least you made an attempt and showed up for yourself today.

At the beginning of the programme, because it’s a 9 week programme I was so set on completing it in the 9 weeks, but that really is not a requirement. Run your own race. If you need to repeat a run so be it! If you need to take an extra rest day so be it! As long as you’re running 3 times a week (unless injured) you are making incredible progress and incredible changes!

Maybe take 1-2 days rest of no/ minimal exertion and try this run again if you feel the problem is physical stamina.

I often find that this programme is as much as a mental challenge as it is physical so what has worked for me is throwing on some music I can really get pumped to, reducing my speed, staying hydrated, repeating affirmations to myself as I run (instead of thinking “I can’t do this” repeat out loud to yourself “ I can do this” in fact I am doing this!”) cast your mind back to previous successful runs, what conditions were in place that were absent today? Are you feeling more stressed? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you running on an incline/steeper terrain etc?

Best of luck and congratulations on getting this far!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Well done on your progress, but I think you have identified your problem.

Everything going on in our lives can impact on our performance as a runner. Restedness, hydration and nutrition are at the top of my list of variables that need to be optimised to enable enjoyable running.

This post expands on the theme. healthunlocked.com/couchto5...

Ian5K profile image

I don’t believe it’s a fail if you learn something from it. Put this run to one side and carry on.

Having done gym classes and circuit training myself, I think they too often push you without any regard to what you might be doing the next day. Muscles will be sore if you’re building muscle. Perhaps concentrate on graduating C25k before any more kettle bell classes? After that day, it won’t matter as much if you have to stop or cancel a planned run because of sore legs from training.

It’s only two weeks now! Best of luck. 🙂

Poppdog profile image

It’s never a fail it’s just how it is and tomorrow is another day

Teejay113 profile image

I would take a couple of days rest.

But there's lots of advice on health unlocked.

All the best. Peace

Deverdad profile image

Well done for getting so far. I am sure your next run will go well. Good luck

RunBrianRun profile image

It’s been 4 years since I graduated and I still get bad runs. They just happen and when they do I accept it, chalk it up and walk or jog/walk home. Live to run another day I say.Good luck on your next run and don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re doing just fine 👍

Couchpotato2 profile image

For me failing is not trying. You not only run 15’ but you also listened to your body so actually in my view that’s a win.

It sounds that your legs were tired. I’ve been running over 2 years and after a hard session like that, if i run, I would also run for 15’ not much more just to stretch out the legs.

Read Ian’s post and don’t worry a run is a run!

Mortain123 profile image

Thanks so much for all the advice and support and encouragement on here xxx I am going to just swim today and do the 28 minute run tomorrow....I can do this and get back on track xx

Unfit_Dad profile image

Of course you can do this... you ran for 15 minutes within only a few hours of a kettlebell course.. That’s EPIC dedication to your running, mate...

You’ll try again after some rest,

And this next run will be your best,

It’s the way of the world,

After our legs feel curled,

We get back on and ride the crest

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Not every run can be a good one, but there's something good in every run 👍🏻😁

Rennur profile image

F@1l is a four letter that is not allowed on this site. What you had was a practice run.

sTrongFuse profile image

It might not have been 28mins, but it was still a run and still time and distance in the legs. Bad runs happen to us all, for multitudes of reasons, but they are still runs so no need to beat yourself up.Rest a bit (maybe take an extra day), then come back refreshed, stronger and maybe a wee bit slower. You've got this...

Mortain123 profile image

I'm pleased to say I have just completed 2nd 28 minute run this week so back on track ...found the first one outside easier than today on the treadmill...Still feeling super proud ..thanks everyone for your advice and support

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