Hi I'm so frustrated I started the Couch to 5K again and have been doing really well, that is until my phone updated and now the Couch to 5k app doesn't work. Help not sure what to do or if there is another app I could use.😔
PROBLEM WITH THE COUCH TO 5K APP: Hi I'm so... - Couch to 5K

Oh no ! Not sure what to suggest. Am guessing you’ve downloaded it again and it’s wiped out your runs ? If so could you maybe just let it run down the time untilYou reach your run ? Frustrating. But don’t give up !

There’s the Nike app which is free

What phone are you using?

I don't know if you have tried this but uninstall it and then reinstall?

"Doesn't work" could mean lots and lots of things. The more you can tell us about the problem, the more likely someone might know how to help.
Re install the app it worked for me

just use the podcast, from Itunes, rather than the app.
I haven't got an iPhone it's a Samsung Galaxy A40
You don't need iTunes to download the podcasts nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/c...
But first try checking your phone's settings for the app, you may need to re-allow certain permissions. Failing that, reinstall as others have said. You will need to fast-forward through the runs to get back to where you were, but it doesn't take long!

I had to reset my phone, and I lost all my progress. I just downloaded the app again and fast-forwarded the runs until I got back to where I was. Ended up doing about 5 weeks of runs in an hour😅🤣