Hello started running last week and download the couch to 5k app on my Huawei phone. Starts off great then after first run starts it switched off, any idea why?
Couch to 5k app rubbish: Hello started running... - Couch to 5K
Couch to 5k app rubbish

Hey Transformers
I have a Huawei P20 Pro and I've had a similar issue before. Two things that helps prevent this from happening:
1. Start your music before you start your Couch to 5k app and then keep the app open.
2. For the duration of your run, turn off the battery saver mode in settings. Most Huawei phones have their Power Saving Mode on as default which means that the screen goes off after only a few seconds. If you disable this, it stops your Huawei from sleeping and that has helped prevent the app restarting.
3. Also if you take a photo (like I do during my walk segments sometimes), be sure to close the camera app and get the Couch to 5k app open again.
I think the key is to keep the Couch to 5k app open in your pocket and take it away!
Good luck and I hope these tips helped!
Thank you for your reply. I haven't thought about music yet, just want to get the app working. I'd chosen Sarah Milligan's voice and she had me running for 4.5 minutes last week on week 1, nearly killed me lol. I'll sort the power saving mode that's a gd idea. I'll keep you posted.
I had the same thing. You need to go onto Settings, then Battery. Then app launch, then turn the couch to 5k app onto manage manually, three options come up and you need to click on the one that says let app run in background. I did this after hearing it from someone else and haven't had a problem since. Hope that makes sense

Can sometimes be a memory issue. Next time try closing all other open apps before starting C25K app. That gives all of the available memory on your phone to the C25K app. I used the C25K podcasts.