Busy doing consolidation runs, but I am looking into Jeffing. As my runs in the week are often hard due to having a deskjob the whole day and running afterwards, I was thinking about Jeffing my week-runs and using my weekend runs for 30 to 35 mins of straight running (without walking breaks). I have walked when I felt like I would drop dead, but that is not Jeffing, as it was not planned on beforehand. I was now thinking of planning my walks. But are there strict plans? I read something about 30:30:30, but have not a single clue as to what it means.
I was thinking about walking 30 seconds each 10 minutes. Meaning 10 min run - 30 sec walk - 10 min run - 30 sec walk - 10 min run. Is that a sort of Jeffing or not? How would it then be called, 10:30? I have no idea. Or are there 'better' Jeffing plans for 30 mins?
Feel free to enlighten me in the world of Jeffing!
Thanks, Evy