Winging it - can I still come here?: Hiya, I... - Couch to 5K

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Winging it - can I still come here?

17 Replies


I have officialy given up on the program of C25K and am just winging it now. My previous run was W6R2, but I really did not feel like tackling the - what was it - 24 min in 1 go? So I was reading stuff on internet and I came at this article on a running site, where it said that thé easiest program to learn to run is just listening to your body. Run until your body tells you to walk and run agan when your body feels it can go again. And over time you will improve. So that is what I am going to do from now on.

I had to skip a run day 2 days ago, due to migraine. But today my migraine took its leave and I decided today would be my first winging-it-run. I had a good run day too, my body felt good, no heavy legs, no aches, a nice sun out, etc. And in the end I did 5 min warm up walk - 8 min run - 2 min walk - 8 min run - 2 min walk - 10 min run -5 min cool down walk. These are all about times, not exact ones. But I did do a total of 30 min run - walk - run (a sportwatch is so handy). Very proud of myself 😁.

I am going to keep winging it, run and listen to my body. If I never reach 30 minutes of running in 1 go, then so be it. I do this to enjoy it and I don't enjoy following the program. This way I do something and like it, causing me to continue. So... can I still post here once in a while or am I to take myself and leave, not following the program anymore?

Cheers, Evy

17 Replies
nowster profile image

I'm sure you're still welcome here, even if you're stuck repeating W5R3 forever. 👍

Most of the battle is persuading yourself you can actually do it.

SueAppleRun profile image

You are a runner so very welcome here and Happy Christmas x

NusiaFab profile image

Glad to hear you had a good run and have decided to continue running even if its not with this program, good luck Evy!

Curlygurly2 profile image

Of course! We're all runners, and we all have something that can help other runners, and different stories to tell. It sounds to me like you've pretty much settled on the Galloway run/walk method, I've used that myself, and it's very good! Happy running xx

IannodaTruffe profile image

This is a forum for new runners, so of course you are welcome.I understand your argument about wanting to enjoy your running and agree it is absolutely crucial if you are going to maintain the habit, so adapting your programme makes sense.

I would make a few observations though in respect of just running when you feel like it.

A structured training plan, such as C25K, is designed to gently and progressively increase your training load, stretching your ability while simultaneously increasing your resistance to impact and injury. Over the years many have posted on here that they felt great, so ran on, only to be hit by an injury. You might find reading the guide to post C25K running useful as it has details of the 10% rule used by most experienced runners to increase their weekly training load within safe bounds. Without some planning to your running you could easily find yourself doing more than your body is conditioned to.

The other aspect is the mental one. There is no failure involved in stopping running when your mind tells you enough is enough, but a progressive training plan will stretch the duration for you, so that you achieve new targets, which most find very satisfying and rewarding to conquer.

There is nothing compulsory about being able to run for 30 minutes, whether non stop or with breaks and it is far more important to continue to exercise on a regular basis, in a manner that you enjoy, than to complete a specific training plan................that said, I do believe that C25K is probably one of the most accessible and successful plans, for most people, because of its excellent structure.

Have a great Christmas and enjoy your running.

GoGo_JoJo profile image

Of course you're welcome. As said above, be careful not to inadvertently overload yourself but of course it should be about enjoyment overall. Merry Christmas 🎄

Thank you everybody.

No worries about over doing it or under doing it. I am going to keep it to 30 minutes of running (run - walk - run) for a good while. First I want my body to get used to running 30 minutes with walking in between and I hope that in time my body will need less and less walking. But I let my body chose when I do what. Once I can run 30 minutes in 1 go (if ever), I will stay at that for a while like the consolidation runs here. And only once running 30 minutes in 1 go is comfortable and very easy feeling, then I will build up the time to reach 5K 😘

CI578 profile image

All the best whatever you choose to do. Have a merry Christmas 🎄

jwillmac profile image

Hello, I graduated in July and as much as I would love to join in with the bridge to 10 km, currently my body won't allow it .I joggle 3 times a week for between 25 to 35 minutes so that is my limit. I'm rambling on here, but I think I'm a runner now as I haven't given up , so see where thus takes you and good luck !

You do you, Hidden , Listening to your body is also an important thing to learn too, if your enjoying it just keep at it! At the end of the day it’s about what YOU are looking to achieve that matters, if that’s matched more power to you! X

Rising60 profile image

I had a lot of trouble getting through week 5, and thought about doing something similar to you, but I found that I actually ran for less and less each session and walked more. The motivation to run had gone. Eventually I found the right pace and managed the non-stop running. But the most important thing is definitely to exercise, and so the best thing is to find the way that works for you and gets you moving.

Zip54 profile image

Hi, I join with others saying please keep posting, we are here to support runners whatever programme they are on. It should all be about listening to our bodies and doing something that is enjoyable so I'm all in support of you changing it up so that you still enjoy it. Only you know what is right for your body.

This forum is for all runners aiming for 5k, not exclusively for those doing the C25k plan. IannodaTruffe shared some great advice to keep you safe, so enjoy your runs and keep posting 😊

Getfitordietrying profile image

Good luck and keep posting. I would like to know how you get on. I know I need the discipline of a regulated course of runs. I’m on my second time of doing C25k. I was running up to about 40 minutes, when my son agreed to try the programme. So I went back to the beginning with him, thinking we would run together. Set off on first run and he disappeared way ahead of me as I plodded on. So much for running together😁. We still run on the same day though and keep each other going with the programme.😎

Raisemeup profile image

The main thing is BS you obviously want to run and are thinking seriously about how you might go about it, and how C25k can be part of your plan. That alone entitles you to be here as others have mentioned.As you continue with reacting to how your body feels and what it allows, once you feel you are ready to go further you could then revert back to the programme at a week of your choice, so there would then be guidance for you as you move up a gear. Then, possibly that will avert you from any injury. There is nothing to stop you from reverting back to your way as you feel necessary and switching back and forth.

There seems to be a lot of sense in safeguarding yourself from injury, as we do occasionally get a fabulous feeling of being able to run fast and furious, but is a bit risky and not worth weeks off to recover. To have a reminder in your ear based on the safest way to take up running has its place in helping you avoid setbacks while we learn what we can safely achieve.

Best of luck and looking forward to hearing how you go.

Best wishes😉

Sassuolo profile image

Well BlackScorpion you got a lot of support here, more than an average posting. I think it is because we really care all be it virtually and we want you to keep feeling welcome here. Very good of you to find your own way, but if you need more structure again, you can always try again and retry the weeks that were comfortable for you until you're ready to take further steps. Big thumbs up and keep running in your own personal and delicious way !


Thanks again y'all 😀

I also posted it ina new post, but yesterday due to storm Bella giving risk of flying branches and debris, I did not risk going outside for my run. Instead I gave my treadmill another go. I really dislike running on a treadmill, but I really wanted my run to go through and being fearful of heavy wind (trauma) I did not dare go outside.

Winging it helped me a lot in this run. Should I have followed a plan, I would have been very disappointed in myself, because I had to get used to running on a treadmill again due to which I could only run 7 minutes for my first run before a walk. If I had followed a plan, I would not have been able to do as dictated. While now, there is no plan, so I don't disappoint myself! On contrary even, because my second run was 9 minutes and my third run even 10 minutes! With 1:30 and 2:00 minutes of walking in between the runs. I was very proud of myself for being able to do this while on the treadmill. I was not able to do this before (on a treadmill I mean). So winging it is definitely the right choice for me.

I say for me, it will not be the same for everybody. I for example dislike being dictated what to do. I can easily get blocked when someone tells me a I HAVE to do something. And if that something isn't going as planned (like with W6R2), then it can get really ugly. Now my body gets to choose, while I push it slightly but not too much. Now, I can't get disappointed because if it doesn't go well, my body just wasn't feeling up to it that day. No reason to get disappointed. And if it goes well, then I can just be happy! I might not get to the 30 minutes full run as quickly as you all, but I don't need to be either. I do this for fun.

As I say, winging it is the way for me. Others might really need the guidance in order to proceed and succeed. I am really not trying to push others to do the same as me. On contrary even, I do needed the fixed plan to make me understand that it isn't the way for me. And maybe the beginning, until W6 was right for me. Maybe it corresponded with how I felt. From W6 though it did not correspond with me anymore.

Anyhow, just to let y'all know all still going well 😀

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