All I wanted was to run.: I received at text... - Couch to 5K

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All I wanted was to run.

4 Replies

I received at text last night to say my running partner for today could not make it so my run today would be on my own again.

Surprisingly my little ones decided to cooperate this morning and I managed to get them up, washed dressed and breakfasted in record time. Nice dry weather, plenty of time, that means we can walk to school taking the shortcut through an unmade road (which gets very muddy after rain).

School drop off done and I can start my run. Feeling really good today so thought I would aim for a 10K run. A short brisk walk and off I go.

Wow!! a car quickly reverses out of a drive right across the path, then stops. I had to wait for them to move before I could continue. That was close.

Then further down the road bunches of other mothers with push chairs and kids on scooters who obviously have not heard of social distancing amble down the footpath. Again I had to stop at each bunch until there was a gap in the traffic to get passed.

I get around the bend and a van parked fully on the footpath, again I have to wait for a break in the traffic to get passed in the road.

Now I am back into my stride and enjoying the solitude.

As I approach a small side turning, there is a massive lorry with a trailer reversing into it with a guy in a green tabard holding up the traffic and pedestrians. I have to stop again.

"Oh, hello dear." I hear, and turn to see my old next door neighbour from our first house next to me. Now she is a lovely old lady and normally I wouldn't have minded having a little chat, but today I just wanted to get my run done. Unfortunately with the lorry blocking my progress I was a captive audience.

First I was brought up to speed on what her new neighbours had done to our old house. (They have had it longer than we did so bound to have changed it.). Then her opinion on the state of the clothes on their washing line. (Did she judge my washing it that way too?)

I am sure that the lorry driver is taking his time on purpose.

Next I get a run down on the gossip from the rest of her street. The woman at number 10 and the man at number 16, plus who said what and when about who. (I never knew any of these people!)

By now I am thinking of offering to drive the lorry myself, I could not do a worse job surely?

Finally he is finished and we can go across the road. I was about to make my excuses, say goodbye and get on with my run when she managed to ask half a dozen questions in a single sentence which I felt would be rude not to at least attempt to answer. "Yes, husband is fine, kids are fine, yes still just the two, I am fine, taken up running" (in case she had not noticed the running gear), "yes we will have to arrange a coffee when this is all over" (I take a look at my watch), "must dash though, I have an appointment later and a long run to get through first".

"Oh, well take care then dear, it was nice speaking to you, I don't get to chat to many people lately, with all the lockdowns.".

Now I don't know if it was the frequent stops of the guilt she laid on me for rushing off but my heart was not in it now. All enthusiasm was gone. Rather than go for the rest of the 10K I turned and headed for home via a shorter route. Conserve my energy and maybe have another attempt at a long run on Friday.

It has only really just occurred to me, but running is really the only "My Time" I have. It does not seem to matter if I am running on my own, or with our group, it is a time that I disconnect from the rest of my life. I do have times while running that I am planning the next meal or remembering to feed next doors cat, but mostly I think about nothing except what is going on at that moment.

I am probably getting rather possessive of that time which maybe a bit selfish, or it may be that I am a running addict and should be attending some therapy session. Either way I feel a bit guilty about cutting my conversation short with my old neighbour but feel that running does help coping with the rest of life a bit easier.

Having said that, I do feel cheated today that I didn't have the run I had planned. Look out Friday, here I come!!




4 Replies
SueAppleRun profile image

I know exactly what you mean about the my time, and no not selfish at all, this year has been tough for all and we need that time to run and clear our minds, better luck next time

MoonahSton profile image

Owh - frustrating! Roll on Friday!

swim63 profile image

Oh dear, definitely sounds like your run was jinxed today, what a shame!Really don't think you are being selfish at all, it's so important to have some escape time for yourself.

Better luck for a great peaceful run on Friday!

Raisemeup profile image

That's very interesting and life affirming as sometimes best- laid plans are blown by a 'series of unfortunate events'. When it happens it's so annoying, but I tend to balance the annoyance thinking well maybe, for some unknown reason, that was the plan for me and was meant to be. Maybe, I was saved from some catastrophe by my day being reorganised. Sometimes there is something positive coming from what was not scheduled. Either way, you're running so well, I'm sure you will have a good run on Friday, and know that you can set out to fulfil your plan, but that you can also go with the flow when necessary - running is so much like life it seems!

Best wishes G. 🙂

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