How does everyone cope going from week 3 (a 3min run) to week 4 ( 5 min run) im worried ?
week 4 : How does everyone cope going from week... - Couch to 5K
week 4

I’m at the same stage, I’ve been repeating week 3 and I’m fine with 3 minutes but have tried w4r1 and struggled to run for 5 minutes... any advice would be great! Thanks 😊
Welcome to the forum and well done
on your progress.
If you struggle with any run, just slow down. Can you speak aloud, clear, ungasping sentences as you run?.........if not, you are going too fast.
This guide to the plan is essential reading
and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.
Enjoy your journey.

Each week steps up the demands in slightly different ways, but the structure and progression are spot on and if you completed the previous sessions and you keep to a nice steady pace you will get through, stronger and more confident with every run.
There is no point worrying, it really is counterproductive. this post on mental approach may help
Relax, you can do this.

I've had exactly the same thought for each of the progressions but have managed everything so far. Believe in yourself and the program and view this as an opportunity to succeed. You'll feel great when it is done, I'm about to start week 8 and have amazed myself at every milestone.

Hi there, when I started this C25K, I hadn't run for 30yrs.
I am 3st overweight, and basically lazy, but I am now on week 7.
I found it was really important to keep going, it doesn't matter if you're really slow, I still am.
This is about stamina, psychology, and self confidence.
Don't measure yourself against anyone else, we're all different.
Well done for getting this far, and good luck.

Thank you all for your help 😁 I will do this

I just remember thinking "Crikey. No time like the present", even that shocked me!
My first lesson in Week 1 and 2 was ...slow the heck down. I think we all have a mind's image of all those sportswear adverts showing glamorous slim athletic types caught hovering in mid air and making it look so easy!
This is not a race, it's about building up endurance...slowly. Make sure you are well hydrated. Do the dynamic stretches before setting out to wake up the muscles and joints as in the introduction instructions and make sure to do the static stretches when you return when the muscles and sinews are warm. If you don't you will find that they contract (especially if you sit down straight away) and you will get somewhat sore and stiff.
If you feel at all tired or puffed out, slow right down.
Have you seen the Niko Niko Japanese Running/Jogging video? It was a complete game changer for me and millions of other people around the world. If you want speed, that will come later, probably a lot later.
If you are using a music player, put some uplifting tunes on and run it alongside the C25K app, your music will "dip" whenever an instruction is given. You might do all this, so I apologise for teaching you to suck eggs.
I visualised a finishing tape in the distance and my friends and family cheering me on. Don't over-think the time itself otherwise you will get into the "watching a kettle boil" situation! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.
Personally I also prefer not to see or know what the next run is going to be otherwise I'll stew about it and talk myself into a fail. I only find out when I have shut the front door and start my 5 minute warm-up walk and Michael tells turning back!
You CAN do it and you will amaze yourself. Strive for it! 🍀👍