Psyched myself up for this and even organised (thanks hubby!) a playlist for the first time whilst running. The first 3 min run was manageable, especially with the help of Freddie singing 'It's a kind of magic', but the second 3 min was tough. 'Mr Blue Sky' was not good enough to give me the impetus. Slogged through to the end and nursed a sore knee that appeared for the first time. Hopefully the knee will settle ready for the R2 on Tuesday.
W3R1 and thanks Freddie!: Psyched myself up for... - Couch to 5K
W3R1 and thanks Freddie!

The boys in blue always play Mr Blue Sky three times. ELO ELO ELO. 🤣

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading
and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.
Enjoy your journey.

Have you tried the post run stretch exercises? (Only for use just after a run. Don't do them "cold".)
Also knee exercises.

Was stretching after each run, but I have upped the time of each stretch now. Also started doing the NHS knee exercises, thank you. Ran W3 R2 this morning and the knee pain wasn't quite as bad as on Sunday, and it eased slightly by the time of the last 3min run. Now dithering whether I should continue or rest until the pain goes completely. I used to get intermittent pain in my left knee when at circuits, and assumed it was because of tight hamstrings from too much sitting at work! Covid has increased the amount of sitting ten fold!
Frustrating as my breathing is settling down and I don't want to stop if my knee is a problem! Looking forward to running for longer and testing myself.