So I graduated at the end of May and continued running 30 mins, 3 times a week for the first few weeks of June on country roads and concrete tracks near my home. My 5k time was inching closer to the elusive sub 30 and I was pleased with my progress.
However at the end of June I moved house, and mainly have been running on grass (around a field) since then. Over the last couple of weeks I've been experiencing a lot of pain in my ankles - not so much when I run but afterward, especially the next morning when it hurts to walk downstairs! I'm now leaving several days between runs and I can feel my fitness and speed dropping off 😓There have been a few times at home where I've stood up from sitting and had a shooting pain up through the back/side of my ankles when I've put weight on all this down to running on a softer, less even surface? Should I go back to concrete???
Any advice from anyone who's had similar issues would be much appreciated, I don't want all the hard work I put into graduating to be wasted 🙁