Consolidation deflation! 😭: Ok, so first post... - Couch to 5K

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Consolidation deflation! 😭

Jamicharla profile image
70 Replies

Ok, so first post since graduating.... think I am hitting the dreaded wall that so many people seem to hit during the consolidation period... gutted!!

Finished on the high of a 5k distance on my last run of the programme (kept running past 30 mins to do this) and since that I have run every 2 days but covered 5km each time (albeit that one of those was absurdly slow).

Realised that this was a) a big leap and b) pretty hard work, so having read all the tips and advice I had decided on 2 x 30 min runs and 1 x 5k run a week for a few weeks to consolidate all the progress...

Last ran on Sunday so really did need to get a wriggle on today and to be honest I was looking for reasons not to, but ... first run of the week, so only 30 mins - should be a breeze after the last couple of runs right??? NOOOOOOO!!

Felt soooo hard today.... why??? Couldnt seem to get my breathing right, legs so achey. Honestly could have just stopped at 20mins it was such hard work and to make it worse I was slower than any of my 30mins on the plan! 🥺 what is going on??

I've been changing up the route, changing up the music... all the things I can think of to keep it interesting. But I am feeling so deflated and disheartened after this run!! Where has my drive gone?!

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Jamicharla profile image
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70 Replies
Speedy60 profile image

Don't be so hard on yourself. You're out there running, that's the main thing.

How hot was it where you are today? I don't like running in the heat and it makes a big difference to my performance. Here are some other ideas I can think of:

You don't always have to run for 30 minutes if you don't want to. After I graduated I ran one run a week very short, about 20 minutes, but with sprint intervals. Try Googling fartleks, they might help.

You could use week 9 to keep you going, or download the Nike running club app. It has some great runs and tips. My sons use a zombie run app, but it's not for me.

Do you have a running buddy you could go out with?

Set yourself a challenge - a new hill/distance/time. There's the Bridge to 10k forum for support.

We all hit the day when we have to decide whether we're a runner or not. Sometimes you just have to push on through with a dose of sheer bloodymindedness. 💪

Good luck 👍

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Speedy60

Hi speedy60, thanks for the words of advice! It wasn't too warm when I ran as I didn't get out until late, but as it was getting darker, I ran through my local streets as opposed to the more scenic country routes, which probably did take some of the enjoyment away (I love to be out there taking in the scenery)!

I have heard about fartleks so will do a bit of reading! Have also heard some great things about the Nike run club app - have actually downloaded it, just need to set it up, so will give that a try too!

I am normally so determined I refuse to give up! And usually even on the harder runs I feel so good at the end, its worth all the grit! Think I need to just shake it off and try again!!

Karatekid9 profile image
Karatekid9Graduate in reply to Jamicharla

I agree with Kinkela in the change from music to audio books. I found music was a background noise whereas with an audio book you have to concentrate and become less aware of time. I would download short story from BBC Sounds as I found the story line was more concentrated and fast moving. I have also had feeling of wanting to stop at around 20 mins but also know that I have the mindset to continue and overcome that. Just going out running is a win in itself!

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Karatekid9

will have a look thank you! I'm very determined too - it does help in those tough moments for sure!

steviej99 profile image

Don't be deflated Jamicharla you're doing great. Stop worrying about speed and distance and just run for fun. Do some short runs and some slow runs. Whether you run for 30 mins or 5k that's quite a lot of work. Have you had a week off running? It can do you a power of good. The more time you spend running the stronger you'll get but you can't rush it and you have to enjoy it. Remember you are training not racing. Elite runners do most of their training at 60%. Try for fast times say once every week or so. Good luck!

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to steviej99

Thanks for the words of encouragement! This forum is so good for boosting morale! Feel so much better just for sharing!! I think I probably compare myself against my own progress a bit too much and although it can help me push harder at times, its not always helpful. Must remember that the main point is to enjoy it!!

Jamicharla profile image

Thanks for the tip that's a really good idea! I did that once and was amazed at how much I had left in the tank! Will definitely give it a go! 🤗

Tinytears60 profile image

Hi 👋

Ready my post of earlier today.... I’m the same and I have this 20 minute wall too!....

(Tho I’ve not run 5k yet)

I used the word deflated too

Oh how easy I could just stop at 20 mins... funny we both said the same time...

I’m sure it’s a phase we need to push thru-

Just wanted you to know you are not on your own 💕

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Tinytears60

How strange! Does sound like we had very similar experiences. Thanks for the support! Definitely going to keep going with it!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Find a target for each run and each week, so you can still see progress. thes don't have to be performance based.

Everything going on in our lives can impact on our performance as a runner. Restedness, hydration and nutrition are at the top of my list of variables that need to be optimised to enable enjoyable running.

Visit the Consolidation Club to see what others are doing.

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

thank you! Will have a look!

Overweightandunfit profile image

Don’t worry, you’ve still come so far so quickly. I am a week post grad. and I haven’t hit the wall yet BUT I do run with someone so I always have encouragement if I start to ache! Just keep running.

Kinkela profile image

Hi Jamicharla

I think you have been little hard on yourself. The most important thing is to go out and have a go. Every run is different and unless you are training for some event you should relax and just try to enjoy. I have been running for about 18 weeks and there are mornings when I just don’t want to go out running so I have changed my tactics and instead of listening to a music I now listen audiobooks. I get completely absorbed in the story and often I finish my run what it feels like 10 minutes. To start I would highly recommend Michael McIntyre biography as you will run laughing 😂 Good luck

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Kinkela

ooh great idea! I love Michael mcintrye!

TheTopSir profile image
TheTopSirGraduate in reply to Kinkela

I much prefer podcasts to music whilst running... but you have just opened a whole new world audiobooks! Rather than castigate myself for not thinking of it myself, I’m going to download the Michael McIntyre biography!! Thank you

Kinkela profile image
KinkelaGraduate in reply to TheTopSir

You will be pleasantly surprised how quickly your run is completed with Michael McIntyre 👍

TheTopSir profile image
TheTopSirGraduate in reply to Kinkela

“Read” the first four chapters whilst doing my third 10k last week Very funny.... and I kept running! Great tip, thank you.

jwillmac profile image

I felt exactly the same after my first session after graduation! 20 mins was a challenge, I managed 25 , but was so demoralised after .I did , however, trek around a local nature trail with the 5 yr old grand daughter that afternoon for 3 hours , so I'm saying that was stamina work lol .Considering running today, however 5 km is way of for me .Thank you for posting, it is so encouraging ti hear that those who are quicker struggle too !

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to jwillmac

glad I can be of help too! I have a 4 year old who had me running around all day the day before, hadn't even considered that until I read your post either - probably a factor!! 🙄🤣

Frankiev profile image

Me too. Did C25K. Built up to 5 k after that which took a fee weeks. Ran 2-3 times a week mainly 5ks but really struggled last couple of weeks to manage 30 mins running let alone 5k!! I can’t understand why either. It’s frustrating isn’t it. I’m trying not to obsess about it when I run. Hope someone can offer some tips?

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Frankiev

hi Frankiev - sorry to hear you are struggling you! This does seem to be quite common! I've had some really helpful and encouraging replies so definitely a few tricks to try! We can do this!!

ElleRee profile image

You will get your mojo back. Listening to music while running helps me x

SyTowe profile image

I know exactly how you feel. I graduated last weekend and I went on a run yesterday but could have given up after 10 minutes. My motivation had gone completely, when I started to run my legs felt heavy tired and achy plus I felt I couldn’t get my breathing right either. I kept thinking am I really cut out for running maybe I should pack it in and just go for long walks instead. Saying that I did make it to the end but it was such a slog. I try to run 5k 3 time’s a week but the thought of doing another run like that tomorrow fills me with dread. I enjoyed that C25K but now I’ve completed that I feel my motivation has gone! 😩😩

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to SyTowe

I do think the lack of structure plays a part. And the fact that there's no mini milestone to get to. I'm going to try the bike running club - seems like there are a few tailored runs in there to check out. Also like the idea of setting a goal for each week to see.progress. Might try some fartlek runs too. I think after a while it will feel more natural but this is the bit where we really have to push through if we want to be actual runners!! Good luck with it too!

RUNLIFEBYMATT profile image
RUNLIFEBYMATT in reply to SyTowe

It happens to us all. I went out for a run yesterday evening, covered half my distance and it felt like a real effort. I think not getting enough carbs in before my run didn't help either. Yet the weekend before I ran over five miles and it felt easier. I think sometimes with running you hit peaks and troughs.

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to RUNLIFEBYMATT

100%! Heres hoping for the next peak!

NickiCS profile image

You could try something like

You pay £10 for the chosen month, choose how many miles you want to achieve in that month and then get a medal at the end.

It certainly helped me after doing a few consolidation runs.

Another way would be to vary your running - do a few hill starts, some speed work and an easy long run a week.

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate in reply to NickiCS

I love the sound of this! I’m a magpie when it comes to bling ... plus my competitive side plays a part ... ten quid is nothing really to keep me running and the bonus is some 🥇 🏅 🥇 too

How fab!

Thanks 🙏🏻

Jamicharla profile image

OOOHHH a medal! Now.that sounds like a good goal!! 🤗 i think you are spot on re variation too. Need to change it yo!

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate in reply to Jamicharla

I’ve just said the same- I’m a sucker for a bit of bling! Works every time

It’s the donkey and the carrot dangling analogy equivalent for me! 🤣

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Tinytears60

100%!! Me too!

Tinytears60 profile image
Tinytears60Graduate in reply to Jamicharla

I’vejust read it- sounds just the ticket! Motivation and medals 🏅 🥇 🤩


Frankiev profile image

Some really good tips. I listen to music and am going to download a few apps for variety. Good luck with your runs!

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Frankiev

You too!

booksie profile image

My first run after graduation was about 20 minutes. I just stopped and that was that! However I've just this morning managed the 30 mins again but I'm not pushing myself beyond that much for now as I found that run this morning very hard indeed. Like others have said just enjoy your achievement. I mean who really cares if you get faster and faster? Nobody but yourself in the end! You've done really well - a lot better than I've done by the sounds of things so don't get down about it.

Bozsky profile image

Hi! I started C25K in January. Graduated and kept running for a few weeks after but found it SO hard! Never managed more than 20 mins and never enjoyed it. I missed having Laura in my ear, egging me on. So I went back to using the programme and just kept doing week 7 I think (whichever was the 25k). Still didn't really believe I was a runner and almost gave up for good after some bad sessions. BuT I joined a whatapp group of local runners who Buddy up. Long story as to how! They kept me going, their banter online made me laugh. We had some zoom drinks. I felt like an imposter cos I'm not really a runner but they were so lovely. Then one of them persuaded me to do a 5k with her and despite wanting to die halfway through she got me to the end. Oh my god, that broke my mental wall!!!!! She made me believe I could do it and to stop doubting myself. Also started taking the dog out with me again sometimes. A few days ago I did 5.7K. Have done three more 5Ks since butbi just go out to run now NOT to achieve distance. I run for 30 mins and if theres more in the tank I keep going. Best advice they gave me is when your mind tells you you have nothing left your body still has 40% more to give!!! Keep going and believe and enjoy!!!!

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Bozsky

That is really inspirational! Thank you love the 40% left mentality!!

booksie profile image
booksieGraduate in reply to Bozsky

Oh that's brilliant! I loved that! Thanks for posting it. My husband came with me this morning with his stopwatch and made me keep going even though I wanted to scream at him Ha! No idea how fast I go. For now 30 minutes is my limit.

Runbird profile image
RunbirdGraduate in reply to booksie

Me too! I really haven't checked how far I run. I just keep going with the 30 - 35 (max) mins and the post C25K NHS Laura Stamina session. I aim to keep doing that until I actually achieve it. I just hope I eventually get there! I've been consolidating for quite some time........

booksie profile image
booksieGraduate in reply to Runbird

I'm glad you mentioned the stamina course. I'm going to look into that now as that's my biggest problem - stamina. ( So many different websites mentioned here that I was slightly bamboozled - it doesn't take much ). I think sticking to Laura is a good idea.

Runbird profile image
RunbirdGraduate in reply to booksie

There are 3 "Laura" sessions. Stepping Stones , Speed and Stamina. I got a bit excited about Speed post graduation so I did that quite a few times but it is only 16 mins so I think I probably did that too much and not enough of Stamina which is 35 mins. Last 5 is the fastest. Laura describes it as an "energising "165 steps per minute. I haven't yet found the last 5 mins remotely achievable far less energising but I'm persevering!

booksie profile image
booksieGraduate in reply to Runbird

Thanks Runbird - Definitely on my to do list now!

booksie profile image
booksieGraduate in reply to Runbird

Tried the Stepping Stones Speed this morning but failed !! I'll try again tomorrow or the day after but think I'll have to really do this to make progress. thanks again for posting it.

Runbird profile image
RunbirdGraduate in reply to booksie

I was really keen to do Speed because I was desperate to get faster! But actually I think the Stamina one is better and maybe a better transition. Goes to 35 mins and the speed goes up slowly across the whole session. Last 5 mins is a bit of a push mind you - and I haven't quite made it yet but challenge is good!

booksie profile image
booksieGraduate in reply to Runbird

think I chose Speed because it was shorter but will have a look at the other one now

thanks Runbird

Angelpoppy profile image

I was really looking forward to just running for the sake of running after graduating, then planned to introduce some more targets. However the first few graduation runs were hard! Don't know why 🤷🏼‍♀️ I decided that if I didn't manage the full 30 mins then so what, I was still out running and running even when it felt tough. After that I began to really enjoy my runs. Don't get me wrong, I still have an odd 😫 run, but generally I pop on my favourite playlist, put a smile on my face and enjoy the feeling of kicking back and forgetting about life! I've found that my speed and distance is improving without me aiming for that specifically, I think it's just where 30 mins now generally feels comfortable. One other tip, sometimes i now take two days off between runs and that has helped immensely 😃

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Angelpoppy

This is great to hear! Thank you! I do want to just be able to enjoy it so think taking the pressure off myself would be a good start!!

zinza profile image

Things that usually help keep me on track:

1) Fixed day, time and route (for example, same route on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7PM, one different route every week on Sundays at 8AM)

2) Run in groups (not sure this is safe at this moment but maybe only one friend or family member?)

3) Avoid slow music and find some good Running playlists (you can find a few on Spotify)

4) Hydration backpack (so you don't need to hold your phone/keys and can enjoy some water and snacks on the way)

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to zinza

Thanks for all the tips! Really appreciated

beat-the-bubba-chub profile image

I literally could have written this myself! So reassuring to know it happens to everyone else too. Some great replies and ideas here so I'll be utilising those nuggets too.

I read a post on the Japanese technique of slow jogging which also gave me a lift. Think I'll try combination of short fartlek/interval runs and some Japanese slow jogging runs.....Fingers crossed 🤞🏽

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to beat-the-bubba-chub

I couldn't agree more! Really helps to know that you're not alone with it and hear all the great stories from others who have got through it! Happy to say I am now feeling quite excited to try out some new things and get back at it!!

Bozsky profile image
BozskyGraduate in reply to beat-the-bubba-chub

Yep, I use japanese slow running when I am considering giving up the run. Helps hugely!

Reggit profile image

I’m about 3 weeks into consolidation, like others I’ve have runs where I just wanted to give up and go home and had to make myself do it.

As l live near a rural area which I can run to I’ve recently stopped taking my phone with me, so no Laura or music. And believe it or not my times have improved! It’s quite nice to hear the rain as well as feel it 😂

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Reggit

Love this idea. I live in quite a rural area too. Might have to try this!

Mill1962 profile image

I was exactly the same as you on my first Consolidation Run. I felt very deflated and was really missing the voice of the coach (Sarah). I didn't even make 30 mins - did 26. Today Ive just done my 2nd Consolidation Run, completely changing the route and the music and whether it was a change of scene I don't know but it was a totally different feeling and I did it no problem and more importantly enjoyed it again. I'm going to have a look at the Nike app as I definitely need some sort of target to keep me motivated.

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Mill1962

Glad to hear your second attempt went better! Seems like a common theme!

Gotanno profile image

I've noticed that if I don't sleep well the night before I find it a LOT harder to run for 30 mins.

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Gotanno

yep I definitely feel it when I don't sleep well

TotalNewbie1 profile image

I feel for you, some days it is just hard work. I began to feel quite deflated with speed and distance. Read a whole loads of posts and taken some good advice. I slowed myself down! Okay I was never fast in the first place. I set my Nike Run App to 30 minutes, if I am still feeling good I run a bit extra, If I don’t I stop at 30 minutes. This just took the pressure off me to achieve and the runs have become more enjoyable again.

I also treat myself to a day off - if I don’t fancy a run I don’t go! However when the next time for my run comes along I don’t allow myself a second treat day of not running. Can’t face going back to stage one.

I am sure your next run will be better, put it down to an off day!

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to TotalNewbie1

thank you- I like your 'treat day' strategy! I worry that if I give myself days off I will fall off the wagon, so this feels like good medium!

shsoga profile image

An ultramarathon runner friend once said to me that he keeps himself going by asking himself - "am I dying?" and "is anything broken?"

If the answer to both is "no", he keeps running!

A bit extreme for most of us but it actually works for me!

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to shsoga

🤣🤣🤣 I mean... they make a fair point!! 👌

Runbird profile image

I've had to realise that at this stage -4 months in - if I miss a day it feels like a huge mountain to climb which is what really keeps m

Runbird profile image
RunbirdGraduate in reply to Runbird

Sorry! Posted too quickly!

Keeps me going. Having said that I should have run today but let work stress get to me. MUST do tomorrow!

Frizzbomb67 profile image

I graduated last week and am just starting the consolidation runs. I enjoyed the structured program of the app and know I need some motivation to keep going so I’ve just signed up for a virtual 5K for a local hospice at the end of July. I’m collecting sponsors so it motivates me to reach that 5k. In August I’m going to sign up to 50k during August through This Girl Runs. It’s £15 to sign up. Then you log your run hours and submit them to get a T- Shirt. I know I’ll give up otherwise

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Frizzbomb67

Great idea!!

Sazzles9 profile image

It’s really hard not to expect too much of yourself. When we finish C25K it’s almost as if we go whoop I can run, for me it’s like passing your driving test, once you have passed and your out on your own that’s when you learn to drive, or in this case run.

For me I had to really think hard and remember that before starting C25K I couldn’t run for 2 mins, but now I can run 5k, speed and distance will come with time and practice.

I ran 6k today, but when I started the run my legs were heavy, the route was hilly and I was proper sweating, I was aiming for 7k but after 6 my body said nope, I didn’t drink enough yesterday, didn’t sleep well. But I ran 6k. Some days we just have bluurgghhh runs, but that’s ok. Going out again shows the commitment you have made to yourself. X

Jamicharla profile image
JamicharlaGraduate in reply to Sazzles9

Totally agree! It is really important to remember the progress! 6k sounds great to me!!

Sazzles9 profile image
Sazzles9Graduate in reply to Jamicharla

I’m not a quick runner but it’s getting better, but I’m only in competition with me so it doesn’t matter. My slower 6k may not be as fast as someone else but it’s faster than I was at Christmas and that’s all that matters to me x keep at it, you will get there when you are ready x

limberlou profile image

I’m in my 3rd year of running and sometimes I still run to week 9 with Laura because I find her voice comforting and encouraging and if I feel like carrying on at the end I do. My podcasts usually kick over into the next one after that week finishes, ie C25k+ or Bridge to10k, so I just carry on until they do

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