Am so, so pleased with myself. A couple of you know the struggle I have had with asthma and severe hayfever/sinuses. I, basically, am not built to run. However, I think it is one of the greatest achievements I have had is graduating from C25K. I am still very much at the mercy of the pollen gods, and really can't wait for the autumn when this pollen situation finally dies down for good, but I've eased in to a more relaxed mindset of alternating running on good days, and yoga on bad days, that is the right balance for me.
That said, I had a good run yesterday. It was really hard though. Pollen levels were really high and I went out medicated to the gills with a good smear of vaseline under my nose to block the pollen and with inhalers and hankies stuffed down my sports bra and leggings. I don't know if I will ever be one of those people who actually enjoys running, although come autumn, I hope that will change. However, it is definitely worth it for so many other reasons, and the elation at finishing has never dimmed. And that is worth it, as well as the good it is doing both my mind and body.
Read this article yesterday and it connected 100% to my love/hate relationship with running. Point 10, re the constant battle with one's mind, is me every single run ever. But me conquering my mind is what gives me the most satisfaction.
So, ultimately, I hope I do become one of those runners that eventually enjoys running for running sake. However, not giving up any time soon! x