Newbie- worried about being too big: Hello guys... - Couch to 5K

Couch to 5K

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Newbie- worried about being too big

20 Replies

Hello guys! I’m hoping to start couch to 5k in a few weeks (waiting on my sports bra to arrive) and I was just wondering if any of you have completed it whilst being over 20stone? I really want to better myself and start exercising but I’m terrified it’ll just be too much for me :( I’m an avid walker and regularly do 3 mile routes so I’m hoping this will just be a step up! TIA x

20 Replies
Plattszo profile image

Hi Rannax and welcome to the forum. It's a fab place with lots of support.

I am not an expert by any stretch of the imagination and I'm sure that one of the admins will be along soon with links to the guidance documents whuch are really worth having read of.

I would say that anything is possible, we can do anything we set our minds to, but safety must always be the first priority.

I wish you all the best and hope to see further posts from you letting us know how you are getting on :) :)

in reply to Plattszo

Thankyou for your reply 💛 I’m definitely keeping safety in mind, my doctor has said I’m fine to give it a go but just to take it slow and steady as the plan intends :)

Plattszo profile image
PlattszoGraduate in reply to

Brilliant!! And very sensible!! Away you go then!! Nothing stopping you. Give the first run a try and see how you get on.... nothing to lose!! And we'll be here, cheering you on every step of the way 😊🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️👏

Monty89 profile image

Hi Rannax. I have recently competed it and when I started was 19 stone, however I have since lost over 2 stone. I think everyone is different. But I would take it steady make sure you have a rest day in between, warm up, stretch and just repeat any weeks where you feel you need to consolidate a bit more. If you have any niggles or injuries then make sure you rest too. I twisted my ankle early on and tried to carry on but ended up making it worse. Listen to your body. And very best of luck. You can do this. X

Dtay1978 profile image

Unless you’ve got any serious medical conditions there is no reason anyone can’t do this program. Welcome aboard 😊

Sandi_mcg profile image

The great thing about this programme is that it’s just about the time you’re running not about distance, so you can run at your own pace. The first few weeks increase the time very gently and as others have said you can repeat a week as many times as you like if you don’t feel ready to move to the next week. Getting a sports bra is definitely a good idea. I did the first few weeks without one but it was so much more comfortable once I got one.

I think it’s a wonderful programme. I started in March and struggled to manage to run for even a short time. I finished in May and can now run a 5k in about 40 minutes (I’ll never be able to do it in 30 minutes), and find I’m really enjoying it. I’ve lost weight and feel so much fitter. Go for it!

TenaciousDeb profile image

Hi Rannax and well done as you have already taken the first steps by joining here and having a plan. Reading some of the posts on here should reassure you but I just wanted to add that personally I found the first ‘run’ in week one really hard and had to redo it .... if that happens to you don’t be put off! ....I’m now on week 7 and loving it (well, loving the feeling after a run and that my resting heart rate has now fallen by 10bpm so my heart loves it too!) GO SLOW and check out links to Japanese slow running on here. Well done and good luck x

Oldfloss profile image

Well done you.. we look forward to seeing you here; please do check out the post for new runners here is a wealth of great advice.

Many of our runners are in the same position as you... and they are also on the Weight Loss NHS forum, they find that the two sister sites work so well together:)

When you do begin... take it steady and slow, relax , have confidence in this amazing programme and of course yourself:}

Bevvy_81 profile image

Hiya i too am over 20 st and just completed W5 D1! I am enjoying it so far you just need to be in the right mindset and you will be fine. Good luck

AppleB profile image

I'll just echo what everyone else has said! It's about time spent moving not distance covered, keep it real slow (check out Japanese slow running on You tube) and repeat weeks as you feel necessary. Oh and mind set - believe you can do it, no matter how long it takes you and you will! Have fun and keep us posted :) xx

Hi Rannax. I am over 15 stone and 57. Have taken slowky, building it up. There are so many people of different ages, heights and sizes jogging - and different speeds. On my first jog I sounded like a steam train as tried to get to the tree I set as my target - a young but sizeable guy said "well done". People are encouraging and mean well so always smile. I have been over taken by an old man and a heavily pregnant woman- but don't care as after you have exercised (and got breath back) - you will feel great! Always stretch your legs to warm up and cool down. And injuries - wait till fully recovered. Go girl! 🙂🏃‍♀️🌈

Eveb1 profile image

Hi there and well done for starting this adventure 👏. I have lost 3 stone so far and have another 3 to lose so still in the overweight category. My thinking was I could be waiting forever to get to that magic weight and the running will be easy then but that's not the case. It's about taking your time finding a rhythm that's good for you, resting when you should and enjoying the process. Have a look at the Niko Niko running - I found it really helpful and the less bouncing I did (I thought you had to bounce when running 🤦‍♀️) it made it easier. I can even run now with just an ordinary support bra!! Go out and enjoy it - the sense of achievement even with a one minute run is amazing!!!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on your decision.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Enjoy your journey.

Thisoneistrying profile image

This is my friend from primary school. She was one of my inspirations to do C25K. She is amazing and continues to do the running. Hopefully her story will encourage you too. There were parts that were hard for her but she got through it and went on to complete the London Marathon. You can do it x

" - Your favorite newspapers and magazines."

zinza profile image

Welcome. Have you been following any diet? I'm also member on "Weight Loss NHS" and I've been receiving lots of support during my weight loss period. Would you like to join us?

in reply to zinza

Hello! I’ve tried both slimming world and weightwatchers but various bereavements have always stopped me in my tracks. As I’m an emotional eater I’m looking into mindful eating and just reducing my meal sizes!x

TheAwfulToad profile image

You've had a lot of encouraging noises from others, but to be honest I would not attempt this until you've lost some weight: there's a high probability of serious injury with that sort of impact load on your joints (especially if you're unused to running), which could stop your running career dead in its tracks for months or even years. You might get away with it, but why take the risk? There's absolutely nothing to be gained from starting too early.

You've made a great start by doing regular walking - ratchet it up to speedwalking if you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness while you lose weight. If you've got your diet right, you could be down to the ~15 stone range by the end of the year; at that point you should be in a better (safer) position to begin C25K.

SofaJockey profile image

There's only one way to find out - try it. 😄

If it's too much of a struggle, park it for a stone (with no ill feelings) and come back to it (keep walking).

I didn't start C25K until after my first 3 stones lost, but its so individual.

Fabulous450 profile image

Hey Rannax!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽! Welcome to the Forum!! 😁

It sounds as though you’re well prepared to start with all the walking you’ve been doing. The coaching is amazing and you’ll find that the ideal pace is just slightly more than walking. If you’re doing more than that, you’ll need to remember to slow down. Slow is the moto!! Snail is the mantra from one of a glorious admins Oldfloss!! 🐌 🐌 🐌 It was what I used to get me through the whole programme. Patience...not push!

I think you’ll be amazing!! Looking forward to hearing about your journey too. And let me tell you, that feeling of can I?, should I? has probably been in the minds of the majority of us at the start. You’ve come to the right place. You’re now amongst amazing cheerleaders too! ❤️

Blueboy5050 profile image

Hi Rannax,

Great to here your ready to start a fantastic journey, I was 19.3 when I started under 16 now, so all goals are very achievable... have you got the right running shoes? Our feet ankles knees and hips are our tools to run, try not to bounce when jogging, I’d say ice pack after every run..especially shins, and learn your stretch routine. I get very sore sometimes. But saying that, I’ve done C25k and now training for 10k. Good luck, don’t stop 🏃‍♀️

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