Hello, I would like to know how far I am running, I don’t have a Fitbit type watch so is there an app I can get which works at the same time as Couch to 5k? Thanks x
Distance: Hello, I would like to know how far I... - Couch to 5K
I use Strava (just the basic free version). It’s surprisingly addictive!
I agree with Luna - I used the free version of Strava while I was doing my C25K. I’m sure it’ll give you everything you need.
Doesn't the C25K app use your location services? As already mentioned, Strava, there's also Map my Run (I think it's still around) obviously free version of each.
If you want to see how far you've run so far use google maps and use the distance tool to plot out your run, that will give you a rough and completely free idea.
That would be the best thing I guess if C25K uses my location? I run round the woods mainly, getting lost all the time so difficult to plot my route. I was just wondering how to go into an app then have to come out of it to turn Michael on, if the app would still work in the background 🤔
Run keeper
I use MapMyRun and it gives you an idea at intervals of how far you’ve run. It’s also great at the end when you see your path which you can save, so you can see you’re progress. Good luck 😊
No harm planning a graduation 'treat' for yourself.
But right now, be cautious. I don't claim to read every single post on the forum these days but in the 8+ years I have knocked around here, I can say that the posts where information about distance run whilst doing C25K has been a boost or at least mildly interesting are far outweighed by the very, very many where people have been upset. (Perhaps people don't feel the need to post about it if they are happy)
I use Runkeeper to track my runs (and I mainly use the voice with an outrageous accent which talks about croissants)
Are u using a phone ?
If so many have inbuilt fitness app .
Mine is a Samsung I set off Samsung health app that tracks my route via GPS..
Iphone has a thing called HEALTH which tells you step count and distance you’ve covered
But doesn’t that show total distance not just from my run?
Yes - you'd need to check the numbers before you go out and then when you come back and do the sums to see how long you run was! But easier to download mapmyrun (its free) and set that going as soon as you start your run. It gives you 1km markers and tells you your speed so better than the iphone's health app yet doesn't cost anything.
And that will work even when I come out of the app and start C25K? Thank you!
Yes I think you can have both apps running at once, I can't remember ever doing that as I only started using mapmyrun when I reached the end of C25K - but you can run your music at the same time as C25K of course, so don't see why you can't have other apps running too - I now have music or podcasts running along with mapmyrun but don't use C25K so not completely sure. It just might be annoying if the mapmyrun voice prompts come at the same time as the C25K ones, but there aren't many of either so hopefully not too much of a nuisance. Just try it?!
iPhone has an activity app, you can set up workouts in it 😊